I hate traveling. I am not a big fan of going somewhere and visit churches, museums or any of these boring sights. But what I love is meeting people. Different people. People I know and people I don't. Because potentially strangers are just friends that you don't know so far. And they will show you any place from a totally different view. The one place where everybody falls in love with? As it is not on tripadvisor, nobody knows it. Best Italien cuisine in town? A friend of a friend just opened this one small place with no money for marketing - because he invest everything in high quality food. I have been to places that people usually avoid (for any reason) - and had the best time of my life. Not because of the landscape, sights or nature - because I spent great time with friends and friends to be.
Be open minded and use platforms that allow to meet local people. Sleep on their couches, beds and take their offer to tell you something about their city. And who knows - maybe one day you will tell a stranger about this great bar where you had the best cocktail ever.
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