A Chance Encounter With The Dollar Vigilante: Jeff Berwick

in #travel9 years ago

Planning is futile.

An utter lack of planning is why I was in the right place at the right time to meet the man many of us know as the anarcho-capitalist, and new steemit user: The Dollar Vigilante.

Circumstances and timing. These two are arguably the main culprits for why our lives are the way they are. Traveling has taught me to always, ALWAYS take advantage of them.

I had just returned after spending 2 weeks in Peru and the very next day I found myself in an email correspondence with Jeff trying to figure out the best way to do an interview for his YouTube channel: Anarchast. As it turns out he’d be in the next town over for about 12 hours before he was off again. This was my chance! After a quick Uber ride to Miami I found myself sitting outside at a bar in South Beach sipping Jameson trying to get a bit of liquid courage. Jeff is to my right slowly inhaling his cigarette while recanting his experience of infiltrating the Bilderberg meeting, his time spent in Venezuela with Luke Rudkowski seeing for themselves the despair and danger there, and how he was on his way to the Dominican Republic to finally solidify his citizenship there.

Pinch me.

It was awesome to be talking with a man who says what he believes, makes moves in his life that reflect his values and helps others to see the light and achieve success. I had the chance to meet with and be interviewed by him for his YouTube Channel: Anarchast. I’ve read many TDV posts and have watched his Anarchast videos long before I ventured outside the country on my own. He isn’t exaggerating when he says that the U.S. isn’t as free as the government would like you to think. The very concept of a government is the antithesis of freedom. The idea that we need government is an insult to the intelligence and abilities of the citizens in this country. In my opinion, there’s nothing the government does that the free market can’t also accomplish, not to mention it’d be done far more cost effectively.

As a matter of fact, a big reason why I enjoy traveling so much is due to the fact that I get a break from the ridiculous fear-based system that is the U.S.

I get a healthy reminder of this state-of-mind each time I re-enter my country. Despite the fact that I’m entering the country of which I am a legal citizen, I still get an overwhelming sense of suspicion from the border patrolmen. It’s like they see me as a threat because I chose to leave the country for an extended period of time. If you return from anywhere near the Middle East forget about it. When I returned from Morocco they made sure to thoroughly check and re-check my luggage, I can’t wait to see what happens in the future when they see my passport has stamps from places like Ethiopia and Egypt.

This is also a major reason why I enjoy Portugal so much. When I’m in Lisbon and Nazaré there is no sign of militarized police, no intimidating men brandishing automatic weapons on their belts. Instead I see four police officers riding in one car. Basically they just keep an eye out for anyone doing anything especially crazy. And this is the country that has successfully legalized all drugs. Many assumed that experiment would end badly; yet what really happened is Portugal has successfully removed the stigma of drug use. This has helped with a couple different aspects. First, for those who use drugs because they view it as an act of defiance against the system, legalization has killed that motivating force for them. Second, by removing the legal implications of using drugs, those who need help are more likely to seek it since they aren't scared of admitting that they partake in the activity.

Our "War on Drugs" isn't really a war on the drugs, it's a war with those who use drugs. It's the reason why our prisons are overpopulated, it's a program that spends millions of dollars from the tax payers and it has done nothing but make the situation worse. It's one of many clear examples that our government doesn't care about the well-being of it's citizens. Don't get me started on the military...

The government cares about the government.

They force you to give them your money (taxes) which essentially is an interest-free loan from you to them, or else threaten you with a prison sentence. When was the last time you were able to get an interest free loan from the government? If you've never really thought about it, or if you're scared to even question the role of our government because you fear they may "come get you", I mean... hello?! What more evidence do you need to prove that the role of government isn't in the best interest of us, the citizens.

I'll stop now before I go on a real tangent that lasts hours.
I'll leave you with this: do your research, trust but verify, don't rely on mainstream media and taxation is theft.


small world really! - Do come to Egypt, you will love it and hopefully people will see that it is perfectly safe and not what western governments are putting out... Egypt needs putting back on the tourist map!

@ladypenelope I plan on visiting Egypt at the end of the month :)

Hi @heiditravels waiting you in @ethiopia :)

oh brill will look forward to seeing where your travels take you here, lots of great places off the tourist track! Its very quiet here now, very little tourist . If you want some ideas just give us a shout :)

Wow, there you go, you already have good contacts in Egypt and Ethiopia! I love the internet and I love Steemit.com!

Very cool ! Would have been nice to listen to that conversation with Jeff !
So many of us are living vicariously through you ! The education your have embraced is truly commendable ! Congrats on the World traveler system of education that which can't be taught in ANY classroom, especially here in the USSA. Good luck and be safe, looking forward to your next post!

As a matter of fact, a big reason why I enjoy traveling so much is due to the fact that I get a break from the ridiculous fear-based system that is the U.S.

Here is me TRUTH-BOMBING the Josh Tolley show and mentioning how we're all enslaved via FEAR

Josh is an awesome voluntaryist!

Thanks Jeff for sharing for I had not seen this!

I loved Josh's comment "People can grow organic foods so why can't they grow organic businesses?" lol

Nice story, great you guys met.

Im always curious when people say tax = theft.

  • When you travel dont u like it that planes dont crash into eachother (that often) thanks to some authority taking care of controlling the airspace?
  • or when you take a bus (partly funded through community, that you can ride it on the comfort of a road
  • etc

Additionally i want to mention that Portugal has not legalized all drugs. They have decriminalized little substances of personal use, which is actually the case in many countries in Europe such as my homecountry the Netherlands.

Regardless of this i'm totally with you on the stupidness of the war on drugs.

Here is Portugal's Drug Policy on wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_policy_of_Portugal

And this is the country that has successfully legalized all drugs.

Decriminalized. Big difference!

You had me at "The government cares about the government." and I was done at "Taxation is theft". :) It was truly a pleasure to meet you Heidi. Sorry for my late reply but I was in Cuba and they don't really have internet... and I nearly took down the govt while I was there over it (more to come on that ;) ). And, yes, never plan. I was so surprised to hear we would be within an hour's drive of each other within first contact... that's how life goes if you just let it go. :)

Just another day in the life!

You know they're lying when they brainwashed you into thinking it's free and tell you you have to pay

Steemit makes me realize how GK Chesterton was right from the beginning. Quote from "The Man who was Thursday" : “You've got that eternal idiotic idea that if anarchy came it would come from the poor. Why should it? The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government. The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists”

I'm sorry, but the free market cannot do it all alone.

Well said, the free market uses the poor and makes the rich, well, richer. Government is the balance. Private companies are not interested in providing services, they are interested in profit.
Of course there is an alternative, mutual societies. In this model every customer is an owner and therefore gets treated properly, and the society takes a broader long term view rather than making a quick buck. Some government services could be run by mutual societies.

email correspondence with Jeff trying to figure out the best way to do an interview for his YouTube channel

Chance Encounter

We were hoping to get a Skype interview but the timing was right that we could meet in person, so yes, chance encounter is appropriate ;)

I got what you were saying. Just having a bit of fun. :)

two steemians in the same place

let me join you 8]

and 2 of the best rewarded ones, what were the odds of that happening?

Love the post. Your head is in the right place and Jeff Berwick is a great role model.

a small advice to @dollarvigilante.. sir please control on your smoking habits.. life is beautiful...

I'll stop smoking when all humans are free.

That may take a while...

Shouldn't he be free to smoke? What about his habit makes your life less beautiful?

I've never understood why people knock Jeff for smoking. He's a grown man who give a lot to everyone...if he wants to smoke, let's let him smoke in peace.

Wow wath a meetup.
Vigilante is one of a kind man, realy cool that you meet him :-)
Stå på Heidi, kjekt og følge med på din reise ;-)

That is great @heiditravels, being able to travel and network like that is beyond amazing it's my vision:) Steemit will bring so many great minds together!

I am with you here as it is a vision for many of us :)

I agree, there is a lot of fear-based coercion perpetuted by the U.S., UN, and other governments, as well as mainstream media. Glad to see two Steemit rockstars get together, thanks for sharing! Upvoted.

Did Jeff do an interview with you @heiditravels ? Is there a link?

Will be live in about a week. You'll hear about it here first on Steemit and 50% of all Steem dollars from the post go to Heidi.

simple question @heiditravels did you meet him after he joined steemit or before?

I met with him earlier this week.

meeting steemians in real life. Priceless!!

Like you both!tottally agree...about government... in every country .if they were interested about the cityzens there wouldnt be homeless people,hungry children etc.

wow, what an opportunity

Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted. I'm new and I do not steemit spamming, respectfully if you prune deas visit my blogg and give me your opinion to my notes I WANT TO DO SPAN Forgive me if I'M DOING WHAT Many Thanks

Great, great post. And the war on drugs... so many times it's also the result of government protectionism for some corporation or industry, whether it's pharmaceuticals or textiles or horticulture or alcohol, even the tobacco industry - they all pay and schmooze for industry protection from the government.

Happy to see that your traveling is bringing other opportunities for you @heiditravels! you deserve great things. Love your work and your humanitarian actions you do in your travels.

wow, that's cool! nicely done post

Those are some sexy anarchists...am I the only one wondering if you two made out? lol

So PG13 of you.

Just confirming that you aren't the only one. Lol

I'm sure it would have been great... but no. Had a great spiritual and mental connection though (which is more powerful). :)

I didn't know Portugal had legalized all drugs. Well. I get closer to solving the problem of who I am going to marry for foreign citizenship.

Write something about Portugal the Dose Paradiso.

@heiditravels Neat story! Enjoy your future travels.

What an adventure! Can you share more of what you and Jeff talked about? Also, did you interview him for a post somewhere or Youtube? Thanks!

Anarchast interview will be live in a week or so... will be posted on Steemit.com first of course!

Enjoy every moment of your life

amazing as always I really like your travel vlog
keep up :)

Wow! Now there's an inventive way to pay for a vacation!

Our family has always traveled, but always inside the US. What are your thoughts about traveling with kids?

I don't have children myself but I often see families with children who are traveling to other countries. I think it's a great thing to do. To expose your children to other cultures at a young age in my opinion will only help them to have a better understanding of this world and will hopefully inspire them to think outside of the box as they grow older.

Travel is the best education. Skool is for suckers.

Haha in fact, Jeff has the education field in FB filled as: School is for suckas ;)

At least it was a few years ago, right Jeff?

And he's right, travel is way better than school! At the very least you keep all your brain cells intact :) Instead of sacrificing them for the sake of repetition.

Traveling with children outside the US is a challenge but important lesson in life. If they never see the outside world they will become just another "safe space" kid that would never understand to appreciate what they have in the US.

"Our "War on Drugs" isn't really a war on the drugs, it's a war with those who use drugs"

You got it. Nice post! Upvoted with solid guppie power!

This is epic.

How serendipitous! What a story. Thanks!

Upvote for Guns N Roses Shirt :-)

Welcome to the Jungle, sweet child of mine!

Media is like breakfast cereal. More variety is better, and don't eat it for three meals a day, otherwise you'll get a stomachache. Question your cereal every morning. (Well maybe now the metaphor has gone slightly weird with that last sentence.) Good article here and it shows another side of Jeff. Great that both of you could meet up.

I did hear this experiment about portugal. Thanks for sharing! I thought Jeff lived in Mexico. No?

So true what you are saying in here.