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RE: 14 Days in North Africa Part: 2

in #travel9 years ago

Answer: There is no wifi in the Sahara... at least not at the camp I was staying, probably can find a connection in one of the more established hotels near the entrance to it.

  1. I always travel with my phone (obviously)- it's a good idea to purchase a SIM card in whichever country your in they're usually inexpensive and you can add whatever amount of money you want to it for service, it won't let you call back home but it's good to have in case of emergencies. Whatsapp and Viber are good apps for contacting people internationally but you'll need a wifi signal.
  2. Shure headphones- they're great for blocking out noise, give really good quality sound and have a lifetime warranty.
  3. An external battery charger
  4. Watch (waterproof)
  5. Pacsafe backpacks- top quality for anti-theft, it's slash proof, locks in the zippers and also has an RFID safe pocket so scammers can't get your credit card info.
  6. I bring my laptop but keep it hidden in my room when I go out exploring.
  7. Should've listed this one first but I always bring two or three power converters- in case one breaks. It's good to research which type of plugs are used in the country you'll be visiting, most likely it'll be the European plug but there are converters that have many style plugs so you can use it anywhere in the world... Although the first one I bought lasted about 2 months before it died. If you know you only need the one style plug then I suggest buying a converter that works with only that style... it'll be cheaper and smaller.
  8. I also bring along my Canon 5D and Gopro so I can properly capture the moment! (Don't forget the respective battery chargers and usb cords too ;) )

have you ever been scanned by RFID scammer?

Not that I know of, have you?