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RE: Relationship Status: I'm with Steemit

in #travel9 years ago

Thanks for sharing this Heidi and best of luck!
I can't help thinking more and more about the "digital nomad" lifestyle and career because I'm into couchsurfing and i have hosted quite a few of these "digitial nomads" who live out of a suitcase and with their laptops and make their living literally on the go, while discovering the best of the planet!
However, this career has remained so far quite a daydream, because i have no real knowledge in website, design etc and no strong concept to apply to it. How would advise someone to proceed in that direction?

Sort: is a great free website that provides quality lessons that teach you everything from the basics of HTML to more advanced languages like Java and javascript and a number of others. I think that's a great way to start and see what peaks your interest after that. You can get into SEO work and offer help to websites that aren't hitting the top pages in google searches, or you can utilize and build really nice looking websites for people you meet or if you can think of local businesses that need a new or improved website.