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RE: USA Culture Shock Part 1: Gay America

in #travel8 years ago

the frankfurt school is fuckingbrutal!!
what i find funny is if you speak out about this YOU are the small minded bigot.
i live in vancouver and somehow a big black drag queen added me on facebook. i wont delete him bc its rude but he uploaded a pic yesterday of a dude with a beard fully grown dressed like a princess reading to a group of, say, 5 year olds. the caption is something like "i love reading to kids"
and yeah, sure, you shouldnt be stopped from reading to kids due to your sexual orientation or identification...
but i was fucking impressionable when i was a kid and i dont think its got any better. how can children attending lgbtq or even just interacting with trans or whatever who are open about it, not be effected?
everything on frankfurts list is straight new world order. fuckin hate it


Yeah it's all pretty stuffed up. I posted a blog yesterday where I shared my own observations of where "they" have been attempting to take us.