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RE: Travel Reviews are broken, can Blockchain save them?

in #travel7 years ago

This is just another amazing example of a broken system and how blockchain can salvage it. Review websites like Yelp do have a stranglehold on the travel industry, and while some safeguards are in place like not allowing businesses to purchase positive reviews or scrub negative ones, getting around these is as easy as creating a fake profile and posting. Whether it's creating false positive buzz for your own business or sniping at your competition, the ability to manipule consumers is quite literally in the palm of your hand.

Decentralizing this data via blockchain will not only provide but demand more accountability, both from the positive and negative side of things. It'll be exciting to watch how bringing this accountability to the industry changes everything from how consumers place their trust in businesses to the price of travel.

Travel, finance, gaming ... is there anything blockchain isn't positioned to revolutionize?

  • Jeroen Van den Bosch, co-founder of Virtual Universe