i'm jealous!!! I would love to start going to fights with my hubby, its the only event we would both be interested in :)
I try learning as much as I can about photography also but, with kids its pretty much quick tips here and there. I want to learn photoshop and lightroom. I started last year, but then I got unexpectedly pregnant and well that book had to be read first :)
That is one quite surprising interest to have for both of you, very random! :D
I'd actually advice staying away from Photoshop and Lightroom, when just starting to learn more about photography. My philosophy in photography is that Photoshop is only to enhance a little this and that, but if the photo itself is already bad, no amount of photoshopping will fix it. I also happen to be lazy, so if I can manage to get the picture just right without Photoshop (other than raw conversion), I'm a happy camper!
Yes it is :) I don't know many women who like to watch fights.
Me too. I reevaluate the photo over and over again, through the lens, before I take the picture. Pictures I am going to keep as they are I usually do nothing to. I like them raw. However, if I was to do it professionally with sittings; a lot of people want photoshop or lightroom done photo's. Plus I want to take several of my photos and make them into a different picture.