
That's the case here, it is hot here but we have seasons here. I get time but I get used to the situations in time so if I ever come I'll be fine.
(Practicing some more English) or why don't you come here instead it's way cheaper than Texas here :D

how do you know it's cheaper there than here? and how cheap is it there?

It's a lot cheaper here than the US for sure, have heard alot, it's cheaper here than the UAE even.
But it still depends on the good we take into account, something could still be cheaper there than here

I doubt it, prices here are pretty crazy unless you're talking about something from Wamart that was made in China like a plastic toy or something.

That's true only Chinese items are cheaper here and most of the items available in the market are made in China so :D
They have overtaken all the markets, haven't they?
Locally produced goods are comparatively expensive

yes sir well that' interesting, I didn't know that the Chinese had taken over all the markets there as well. yes they've taken over the whole world I think, do you guys have Walmart's there?

Chinese even sell mobile phones and other good in the roads in Karachi I heard :D They are our neighbors and its pretty easy to reach here than reaching US.

Whole world, my cousin went to Europe and he told me that Chinese are everywhere in the Europe even :D

We don't have Walmart's here but many other stores similar to Walmart's

It's surely cheaper here than the US, Everyone says it , it's even cheaper here than the UAE let alone US :D but am sure US could be cheaper in some ways too