West Japan Travel Tips - Transport | 日本关西之行 - 交通心得

in #travel7 years ago

The transport system in Japan is quite complex, especially for first time visitors. Intricate railways plus various of tickets confuse visitors easily. After my 9D8N trip in Kansai area, I would like to share my experience about trains.


The transport in Japan is mainly consisted of Shinkansen, JR lines, metros, subways and trams.

  • Shinkansen, which is also called "bullet train" is operated by Japan Railways Group. The network links most major cities from Northern to Southern Japan.

  • JR Group comprises of 6 for-profit companies currently, including JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Central, JR West, JR Shikoku and JR Kyushu.

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  • Private railways is operated by private sector. For instance, in Kansai area, Hankyu railway, Kintetsu railway, Nankai Electric Railway from airport and so on. There are different types as well, limited expresses, regular expresses, rapid services, special rapid services, etc.

  • Japan has an efficient system of city subways, allowing rapid movement around its inner urban areas.

Kansai International Airport

Since our destination is Tennoji Station, there are two ways. One is Kansai-Airport Express "Haruka" and the other way is Kansai-Airport Rapid Service. There is a set called "ICOCA + Haruka discount ticket". This ICOCA card contains 1500 yen initially. "Haruka" is the most time-saving way but with higher prices 4200 yen for one round-trip. "Haruka" has direct access to Tennoji Station within 30 minutes while the Rapid Service takes about 1 hour with 1060 yen for one-way trip. We tried both ways and prefer the Rapid Service if not in a hurry.




We bought a 2 day Osaka amazing pass for convenience. It is valid for 2 consecutive days and includes unlimited rides on the Osaka subways, buses and trams for these 2 days.

Osaka to Nara (Tennoji Station to Nara Station)

Yamatoji Line is the best way from Tennoji Station to Nara Station which takes 30 minutes with cost of 470 yen.

Osaka to Kyoto (Tennoji Station to Kyoto Station)

From Tennoji Station, take Osaka Loop Line to Osaka Station first and transfer to Tokaido-Sanyo Line to Kyoto Station, which takes 50 minutes with cost of 920 yen.


ICOCA card brought us much convenience which only needs top-up. You do not need to worry about how to buy tickets or which tickets to buy. ICOCA card can be used in some stores too. Moreover, Google Maps is our mandatory companion too.

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~ Thanks for reading ~




  • 新干线是由JR集团运营,贯通日本南北;

  • JR线,又称为“在来线”,是新干线以外的JR铁道路线,目前有6家客运JR公司:JR北海道、JR东日本、JR东海、JR西日本、JR东海、JR四国、JR九州。

  • 私铁,顾名思义,是指私有铁路,比如关西地区的阪急电车、近铁电车、南海电铁、京畿铁道、京阪电铁等,车种又分为快速、特快、急行、快速急行、特急等。

  • 地下铁是市营的,类似于国内的地铁。

  • 电车,就是在路面上运行的有轨道的电车。


我们的目的地是天王寺站,可以选择搭乘Haruka特急或者JR的关空快速线。Haruka是最快的方式,30分钟便可直达天王寺站,中间不会停靠其他车站,可以买交通票券「ICOCA卡 + Haruka折扣券」,包括有1500日元的交通卡和一张往返机场的票券。搭乘Haruka从关西机场到天王寺,单程票价是3100日元,往返是4200日元。另外一种方式是搭乘关空快速JR线,根据google map提供的路线,单程花费是1060日元,耗时1小时左右。两种方式我们都试过了,如果不赶时间的话,还是搭乘JR线比较划算。









~ 感谢大家的阅读 ~


img@jessie901220, 嘻嘻,小可可来给你点赞啦~~~

谢谢萌可 ~

こんにちわ ! I was in Japan last year. Transportation may be complex but after a few days I felt it's quite simple. I just had to understand that there is different companies ;-)
I used everyday Hyperdia website to check the timelines. Very useful !

Hi. Thanks for your sharing. I agree with you. At first I found it confusing but a few days later I found it simple.
I heard many of Japanese use yahoo to check transport too.

Google maps is very useful too for local transportation (bus, subway). Especially in Kyoto where bus lines are a bit confusing...

I love Kyoto a lot! We were using the one-day bus pass.

Hey there, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and I do love subways and trains.

Hi Joey ~ Nice to see you here!

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