I've just checked out your blog and your website. Both amazing! I am now a follower as well.
So glad to have finally visited Walls of Jerusalem. A lot more remote than Cradle thus a lot less touristy.
I love Cradle, I just wish I was able to do the Overland Track as I had already missed it in 2015. I would actually love to explore the more remote Southwest NP but it will require a lot more planning than I was prepared for. I guess I'll just have to go back again, hopefully sooner than later.
Kudos to you for cycling the East Coast. I have so much respect for those who take the time to slow down and cycle to really experience a place :) I wish I could say the same for me but truth is I'm not a good cyclist. LOL.
Thank you! I have also followed you (already did so when I stumbled about this post!). I am getting jealous that you will return to Tassie so soon haha, for me it will probably be some years..
I went camping in the South of Tassie with some of my Tasmanian friends last time I visited and we did a days hike to the southernmost point of Tasmania, I think this was already part of Southwest NP but this is probably the most accessible part of this remote NP. As most trails are one way there, some people actually book helicopter drop offs and then spend some weeks walking back to civilization..
I think I know what you're referring to, my friends and I camped in Cockle Creek for a night and did the walk to South Cape Bay the next day. We encountered a lot of walkers who were finishing the multiday walk from Melaleuca, one day I'd also love to do this walk :)
I'm going back to Australia early 2018 and really hoping I could fit in a quick trip to Tassie to tackle the Overland Track.
Yeah, that was the name of the place!
I also remember meeting some hikers covered in mud returning from the multi-day-trek :D
I have seen your post with photos of Australia and I recognize quite a lot of these places, seems like you have already seen a lot of this beautiful country! Last year I traveled from Hobart to Darwin, but I would love to visit the West Coast next time. Enjoy your trip!
I've just spent nearly 10 months in Australia and drove about 35,000 km :) The West Coast is amazing. I reckon Western Australia is my favorite of all the states. So much to see and so much distance to cover, I'm definitely returning in hopes to see more of this vast country @jpphotography :)
35000 km seems a lot, I have no idea how much I actually travelled since I was hitchhiking, cycling and traveling with ride shares. I have seen so many amazing photos from Western Australia, I really want to go there!