
Yes it is Beautiful Dear

Hello shrazi, i have been inspired by your work and i have to say its all good.. I would really love to work with you and take art to the next level.. I am really good with hand sketches.

Thanks dear, its my pleasure

okay, is it possible for me to be on your team and work with you?

I am posting my art work and photography for SteemJet mostly.

I am steemjet SF7 team member (Lowest ranked team) :P You can join #steemjet Just follow @dimimp and catch/participate in next contest (SO YOU ARE IN) and join steemjet discord for more info

yes i know that you post your art work and photography for steemjet and i currently follow @dimimp but am not on any of the work force, been on some contest but have not won any. But am asking if i could be your partner, and work with you. I would join the discord and discuss thou.

I can't work as partner but Dear, I will notify you and discuss new work with You. add me on discord same id (shrazi)