Upvoted. Are you saying the Roman Empire had a city in, at, or around, like Madrid, Spain, around 200 BC, but that it was literally buried with like many feet of not snow but dirt or something? It was like buried and not discovered again until 860 AD, but discovered by Spanish people or who? Very interesting.
Interesting indeed and it’s not alone. But got done reason modern science likes covering up how advanced they were!
Trey cover up everything to fit there narrative
Best Kept Secret. The More You Know! Life is Amazing That Way. That is Why I Love History So Much. Upvoted.
I like the second theory more, not because I like that kind of thing, but it goes with the overall scope of history. That kind of thing has been happening for many centuries in and around many places, cities, regions, all around the world. So, I believe in the second theory because it is consistent with overall world history. Thanks for commenting. Here is an upvote. Have a lovely day. Oatmeal.