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RE: Eating beetles and bugs in Chiang Mai, Oh My!

in #travel7 years ago

Something to add to your memory :p

Insects are considered highly nutritional; the majority of them are rich in protein, healthy fats, iron, and calcium, and low in carbohydrates.

In fact, the authors of the FAO report claim that insects are just as - if not more - nutritious than commonly consumed meats, such as beef.

For example, 100 grams of cricket contains around 121 calories, 12.9 grams of protein, 5.5 grams of fat, and 5.1 grams of carbohydrates. While 100 grams of ground beef contains more protein - around 23.5 grams - it is also much higher in fat, containing around 21.2 grams.

"The low fat content of insects has led some researchers - such as those involved in the FAO report - to suggest that entomophagy may be an effective way to combat obesity and its related diseases"



Very true! We may scoff at them now, but possibly in 20 years, they may have replaced 'meat' - which is currently harming the environment because of our farming practices.

I am believing you man!
Are you feeling energetic now ?

Haha! I haven't had them for a while. But I am on a low carb diet (google Ketogenic diet) and it feels pretty good

Good to see you feeling Good :p
i'm searching internet, look what i found
"Currently, 2 billion people eat insects around the world, primarily in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where the practice has a thousand-year precedent, according to a new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization released today. Worldwide, beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps and ants are the most widely consumed species"

2 billion man, yes 2 people people are eating them :o

amazing, isn't it?

Much higher than I would have thought

yeah! It is shocking man!
you just gave me a reason to dig more about this topic.
Look what i found this time
Did you know that currently, scientists have classified 1,900 species of insects which are safe for consumption? Out of those 1,900 species, we have listed some for you.

Beetles. About thirty – one percent ( 31% ) of the 1,900 species, beetles or science name Coleoptera have been classified as safe for consumption insects.
Caterpillars. About eighteen percent ( 18% ) of the 1,900 species, Caterpillars or scientifically known as Lepidoptera have been classified as safe for consumption insects.
Bees, ants, and wasps. About fourteen percent ( 14% ) of the 1,900 species, bees, wasps, and ants or scientifically known as Hymenoptera
Locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. About thirteen percent ( 13% ) of the 1,900 species, locusts, crickets and grasshoppers or also known with latin name Orthoptera have been classified as safe for consumption insects.
Scale insects and true bugs. About ten percent ( 10% ) of the 1,900 species, cicadas, leafhoppers, planthoppers, scale insects and true bugs or also known with latin name Hemiptera have been classified as safe for consumption insects.
Termites and dragonflies. About six percent (6 % ) of the 1,900 species, termites with science name Isoptera and dragonflies with science name Odonata have been classified as safe for consumption insects.
Flies. About two percent (2% ) of the 1,900 species, flies or also known with latin name Diptera have been classified as safe for consumption insects.
And the rest six percent (6%) are other orders and types of insects.


Want to know the benefits of eating insects?
I just found them, they are thrilling