The tiger cave temple ii is a buddhist temple located in krabi. Its most famous for its stairs. 1,237 steep steps to the top of a mountain. I went her as a kid back i 2002, before the tsunami, and i had to go back. Its a good work out. Just remeber to bring some water.
Big temples are located all around the eria. this one is from entrance.
Inside the main temple, buildt inn to the mountain.
Moneys are all all around the stairs.When i started walking up the strais i saw to moneys fighting, tumbing down the mountain side. I later bought some bananas in a plastic bag. When the moneys spotted the bananas they went crazy on me. ten of them went for for the bag, and one of them turn the bag open. Then they strated climping up my legs, and i had to surender.
About half the way to the topp, where the stair realy got steep. i was a bit scared not falling backwords down the stairs.
Allmost at the topp.
I was mett by this dog, that didnt like to be pet. Placed there to chase the bad moneys away.
On the topp of the mountain. The view was a plassant experience.
The buddha statues was placed all around.
The big one was placed in the middle
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