5 Day Adventure Exploring Thailand's Wonders: DAY 1

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Hello SteemiTravelers!

Here's a look at some of the mesmerizing stops I made on my 5 day journey around Thailand. Each day I explored a new area of this very unique landscape.

Day 1: Bangkok -The Old City-The Grand Palace-Wat Po

The first day was spent walking around "The Old City"  known as the historic heart of Bangkok. The Grand Palace was the first destination. The attention to detail that the architecture showcases throughout this whole complex is fascinating, so intricate.


The next stop is the city's largest wat, known as Wat Po. This temple houses of a 150-f00t golden Reclining Buddha sculpture inside. If you were wondering a wat is, it's a Buddhist temple or monastery typically made up of a collection of shrines and structures in an enclosed courtyard rather than a single building.  These building are very ornate and add to the aesthetics of temple.

The last stop for the day was a walk through the Flower Market. Where the streets and surrounding warehouses are filled with flowers that are being prepared for hotels and restaurants to use around Bangkok. 

You could spend a few weeks sightseeing around Bangkok if you had the time. Since this was only a 5 day trip The Old City provide the best opportunity to see a lot of the ancient buildings and many of the major tourist attractions.  I really enjoyed learning about some of the history this part of Bangkok had to offer.

Tag Along For Day:2 we'll be flying to the southern part of Thailand to explore the islands.