At the beginning of any journey, be it physical or philosophical, it is appropriate to commemorate the moment with reflection, and celebration.
This will be more reflection than celebration. But rest assured, the celebration is coming!
My situation is as follows: I am unhappy with my life the way it currently sits. For the first time, I am concerned that if I don’t do something BIG soon, I will be a loser…forever.
Have you ever sat down, reflected on your life, and worried that you’ll never be the things that you wish to be? That happened to me the other day. I was sitting in my bed reading, when it struck me that I am 25. I’m 25. I’m most likely a third OR MORE of the way through my life. I probably have LESS THAN 50 years left on this planet. Judging by how quickly the first 25 went by, I need to get a move on if I want my life to matter at all.
I was suddenly terrified that I would be one of those people always talking about what they would do "someday".
Maybe that sounds like an overreaction, but it’s the truth. Most people I’ve met have a lackadaisical approach to life. Everyone, and I’m including myself here, talks about the things they “want to do someday”. The sad truth is that someday never comes. We never wake up having suddenly completed all of the menial tasks necessary to become the version of ourselves that we see in the future. It never happens on its own. We must create the lives we want.
For years now, I have watched YouTube videos by a guy named Casey Neistat. He started making a video about his life EVERY SINGLE DAY, and I watched EVERY SINGLE ONE. Thinking back on the amount of time I spent watching this other person’s life makes me wonder what I am doing with my own. But that’s not the point right now. The point is that he made this poster on day. On the left side of the poster it said the word “YOU”. On the right side of the poster it said “WHATEVER YOU WANT”. In the middle of the poster was a dotted line with the word “WORK” written on top of it.
It is the simplest idea, and yet profound in its implications.
Our ability to reach a desired outcome is determined, almost exclusively, by our willingness to do the work. God-given ability, and inborn talent have little to do with it. The only thing you can control is your work ethic. You can decide to put in the hours. Everything else is outside your control, and worrying about it is absolutely pointless.
Why bring that up?
Because I’ve not done what I just described. I’ve talked about. I’ve thought about it. I’ve written about it AD NAUSEUM. But I will be the first to admit that I have not actually DONE it.
I have been waiting around. For what, you ask? I have no idea. I genuinely do not understand my own lazy approach to “creating” the life I want. I’ve just been sitting around thinking about how to go out and live my life, trying to find the secret sauce. Waiting for God to drop a note from heaven that has the EXACT course of my life written on it. Waiting. Sitting. Listening. DOING NOTHING.
But that ends now. The buck stops here.
My website, is going to be ground zero for exploring perspectives outside of the norm. Talking to people living lives that most people only dream about.
I hope you follow along on the journey.
You have to try things. You have to do the work and you have to be interested,
and/or diligent, and disciplined. Try to find Paul Potts' biography video. He is very inspiring.