KasiaTravels on a budget: Solo backpacking - on a budget - in Latin America. (Part 1: “When you finally decide to do it!")

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

KasiaTravels on a budget.
Solo backpacking - on a budget - in Latin America.
Part 1: “When you finally decide to do it!"

My Dear Steemian friends!

Today I want to come back with you to a crucial moment in my life! The moment when I decided to solo backpack in Central and South America.

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(Warning: this post turned out to be pretty personal. I didn’t expect it, as I am rather a private person. But I guess once you start to write about your own experiences, it only makes sense if you are honest with yourself and the reader.)


Exploration. This word brings excitement, thrill, and a smile on my face. This is what the curious types want to do.

Back in 2014, for a quite some time, I was already dreaming of packing my backpack and fly away to an unknown, to discover exotic landscapes, cultures, languages, food… (I know that this sounds like a cliché…But our lives are also built from clichés, at least mine is, and I refuse to be ashamed of it. ;) ) I was already traveling a bit, but mostly within Europe or not super far from it (like Georgia, Armenia, and Egypt).

I would like to be able to say about myself that I always, since a little kid, wanted to travel. But it wouldn’t be the truth. I didn’t. This part of my nature was asleep for a long time. I come from a rather modest family. Me and my brothers, we are the first generation who acquired university degrees. We were always spending our childhood, carefree holidays in simple cottages somewhere in Poland. And I was never feeling bad about it because I simply didn’t know people who could afford to live differently.

In high school, my Mom bought me 10 days long holiday in Italy. I was seventeen. I still remember how I felt seeing, for the first time in my file, this beautiful, clear blue Adriatic Sea. I was sitting in a bus, hooked by the view. And hoping that other teenagers wouldn’t see my tears.

Let me tell you, once awakened, the traveler/explorer part of your soul stays satisfied just for a brief moment. And then the urge for new experiences hits you back. Do you know the feeling?

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When I decided to take my time off from work and my life in Kraków (Cracow, in Poland - for those among you who do not yet!;) know this beautiful city in the Central-East part of Europe), I had plenty ideas in my head on how to spend this period. But there came a problem. Once you have too many options – how to choose the best one? And unfortunately, I always tend to seek for the best option, not feeling satisfied with second best and so on. You get the idea. How do I want to travel (slow travel or visiting as much as possible?), do I want to do the voluntary work (and if yes, whether with children or animals?), or do I want to focus on learning new things (sport, dance, other creative stuff?)?

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I had a little more than 4 months at my disposal. Some of you will say that it’s a lot. And obviously, I was thinking the same at first! I knew that my budget is very tight, and I was convinced that I don’t even want to leave Europe for longer than this period.

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Hard choices.
As you may have already noticed from my introductory post I love sport! I cannot stay still, I always need to move. I can lose myself in a supermarket and start to dance to a song that I find energetic! (So if you ever see a person like me, smile and don’t judge! ;))

I knew 2 things: I have 4 months + tight budget. I felt I want to travel to South America, as since university times this was my dream! On the other hand, I was charmed by stunning Australia.
I also felt that among all the sports I would like to profit and learn to surf! Those 2 regions were perfect for this activity, so I had to dig dipper.

I spent a week on reading surfing forums, I was looking for any ideas and suggestions for people like me, who never surfed before. I decided that, taking the date of my departure into consideration, the best option is to fly to Latin America, to Costa Rica to be more precise. And straight away I felt that this is a right decision! I felt calm.

What about others?
Exactly, what about others? Why does this topic even occurs here? The answer is simple. We care about our loved ones and we want them to support us no matter what.

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I knew I had to communicate my decision, to travel for 4 months in Latin America, to the dearest and most important person in my life - my Mom. I was expecting her fear or attempts to change my mind. But she was very kind, supportive and understanding! She understood that I have already made my decision. She knew that I am independent and that I can take care of myself.

To be honest I didn’t experience any negative or discouraging comments either from my family, friends or other people that somehow got to know about my travel. On the contrary. I was praised for being adventurous and courageous, for "having the balls".;) Nevertheless, I was constantly hearing the exact same thing: “If only I …”! “If only I were younger!”. „If only I had more money in my bank account!”. “If only I didn’t have this credit!”. "If only I were single!". And so on and so forth! Excuses. Most people are too afraid to see and understand that we are the ones who limit our own life. And that we are the one in charge of it! Be bold. Learn to hear your intuition. Breath. Feel the ease and flow.

Sending joy!

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Was your 3nd picture taken at Tayrona - Colombia? Spend a night in the hut on the rock in the background back in 2014 after the 5 day hike tot Ciudad Persia.

Great of you that you take the step and follow your dream!!! I was thinking about it for years, specialty after a 1 month solo trip a the Philippines but there was always too much going on to do it. I don't regret it because I try to spend every vacation day I have traveling and I'm proud of all the pasport stamps and memories I collected but still a little bit of jealousy is coming up when I read your post :-)

You are so brave! Keep going! 😊

Thank you! you made me blush! :)

hi kasia, cool post. i dont think it was to personal at all. i probably feels this way when you are the person writing it, but it sounds very relatable. i think costa rica was probably also budgetwise the better decision than australia. i can understand you were not always interested in traveling. it was the same for me. dont even know why. looking forward to more insightful post from you in the future. where are you headed next?

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Thanks for this comment! it means a lot! i 've recently moved to Barcelona so I'll be exploring Spain ;)

amazing story

Thank you :)

Great post, and I love the pictures! I took a year out to live and travel in Latin-America last year. I'm currently in Mexico, but going to move back to Europe next month. Most people have said to me how "brave" I was, and luckily I didn't experience any negative comments when I decided to travel either. I feel like it was a very good decision, and I have learnt so much. Found new hobbies, and changed as a person in a good way. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

thank you for your comment! One year you say! that's amazing! i'm so jealous! what did you do exactly? Latin America is great and so different than Europe!

I've done a few things like volunteering at an animal hospital, yoga teacher training, lots of scuba diving :-) Visited Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba..but mainly Mexico.

Sounds great!! keep posting about your experiences!

Hi there, @k-a-s-i-a! I too have tried traveling solo (in Tokyo), and it has been one of the most life-changing and memorable experiences in my life. There's nothing like being the captain of your own ship -- the feeling of independence and success at being able to explore a different country all one is truly exceptional! I'd love to hear about what exactly you did when you went to Latin America!

How I wish I have also discovered my love for the outdoors sooner! My parents were also understanding when I first told them about my plan to travel solo. After my trip, I do want to keep it as my annual goal to travel alone to someplace new. :)

Here's to more solo trips! <3

Cheers to solo trips!!!

Sounds like i do enjoy the exact same thing, however i wish my family would be little more understanding. BUT that of course is not a reason to just goo!!! :P

I totally agree that the experiences i made are life changing!! following you aswell

cheers to solo trips! :)

In my opinion, traveling solo is quite an expensive and risky hobby, but it's really worth everything you're going to experience. :) Where have you traveled to, if I may ask?

True. You meet every kind of people, good and bad. I've only been in Mexico and was on a roadtrip from south to east US coast solo. I'm currently in Marocco but with a friend.

Awesome! Wish I could also travel as much as I wanted to right now! I definitely want to visit Morocco as well :)

such a nice comment! i'm so happy so hear that people here have the same experiences! I would love to go to Japan one day! sending love! :)

Yes, you definitely should check it out! You won't regret it! I still want to return to Japan even until today, since I know there's so much more to discover. :)

Congratulations! You are very brave, how good you decided to do it,personally I do not like that kind of experiences, I prefer comfort, I have a cousin who did it in a different way, got a job on a cruise that traveled through Europe, South America and that's how he decided to travel the world, and at the same time that he acquired the experience of knowing places, at the same time he earned money, and he did it safely, it also seemed a good option, but the important thing is to make the decision and do it, many of us just stayed with the intention of doing it.

So true! thank you for your comment! I guess the most important is to follow your inner voice. If you feel you need to stay in your comfort zone - that's absolutely fine!

Its really awesome !

nice place and mountaines

I was in your city for a day a few years ago, but I loved Poland in general. Looks like you are ready to get on a plane @k-a-s-i-a . If you want to do South America on a shoe string. Look at websites like work away. Here in Lobitos, Peru (on the sea with lots of surfing) there are loads of places offering room and a meal or two. Just have to do a few hours volunteering (front desk, marketing, cleaning, gardening etc). I see loads and loads of travelers doing this now.

Thank you for your comment! :) i'm happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay in Kraków!! btw. I was thinking of doing work away, actually! I did subscribe. i just realised i do not have enough time;)

i really wish if i can the same as you .. i can only travel here in algeria and not always i can do it

good luck!

Couldn't agree more with you! Zazdroszczę na maksa!

:) and what would be your dream destination? :)

The whole World! But first Cuba and Peru 😉

Going solo. So awesome. I'd love to go to south america one day. Bucket list for sure.

I was in mexico last month, not south but central america. I can not describe how amazed i still am. All i can say is im in love and can not wait to go back!!!

great that you loved it! I didn't go to Mexico this time! but definitely will one day, hopefully soon!

definitely worth your time and money! amazing experience!!

One day one day

Awesome! Definitely agree, it's one of the best things you could ever do for yourself. Getting out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself and your decisions every single day is incredible strengthening. Have follow you, looking forward to seeing more!

One of my favorite quotes!!! ;)

thank you for your kind words and the support! :)

I wish someday I will have this courage to pack my bags and go on world tour or at least Europe tour.

keep my fingers crossed for you :)

Thank you so much. They way things are going, might be this year is going to be lucky for me.

OMG what a Beautiful young lady in a gorgeous far away land! Thank you for taking on a small part of your trip!

Thank you. This photo shared this photo is very nice. This is an awesome photo, and you're really a good photographer.

You only live once, there are a lot of good times to be had on a budget in central and south America!


Liter beers for $1 wherever you go!

You really are going to the Top with your posts. Great job, you are very talented blogger. Nice photos.

thanks! good luck to you too!:)

upvoted&followed :)

thank you @stachu! ;)

Damn! In that last pic you look like so damn close from falling over the side of the road :-O Was it really that dangerous as it looks like?

Hello Dear @herverisson! :) It is a photo from the death road in Bolivia. if you are interested to learn more about it, i invite you to check my post about it :) it was an unforgettable experience!

thanks @k-a-s-i-a! I'll check about it :)

Great post! I've never been to South America yet but I will!! I definetely agree with you about you cannot stay still and in your paragraph talking about people who use "if"..."if". Anyway keep enjoying your trips.

thanks! i appreciate your comment! good luck to you too! :)

You're welcome! and thanks for your wish ! My last trip was in your country I am looking forward to travelling again and very soon!

Beautiful pictures from your incredible journey! Thanks for sharing.

thank you :)

It's beautiful around here. It is so in the photographs :)
I am a very nice friend of you :) I hope that I can go here very much. You have had a very nice holiday :)

wow, I think it was a good decision and thank you for sharing your feelings! i was in central america too and Peru is on my ToDo yet :)

yeah!! good luck with completing your plans! :)

Great post. Backpacking and seeing all this world has to offer is one of lifes greatest thijgs to offer

so true! :)

Hi Kasia, very nice post. I have to say 4 months is a lot! And I see you spent them very well, congrats!. Since you put the link to canyoning and althought I'm not an athletic person, once did canyoning and enjoy every minute of it. It is a very nice experience. Hope to keep reading your post. Where are you going to travel next??

Thank you for the comment! i absolutely loved canyoning! i'm glad you liked it as well! I will be focusing on Spain :) and how about you?

Totally get the 'traveler/explorer part' feeling. I've been to Peru and love the landscape & food:) Look forward to your next posts!

Thank you! :) yes, Peru is absolutely incredible!

Saludos, qué buena experiencia la que compartes, es un privilegio poder viajar a tantos lugares y vivirlos con tanta pasión como tú describes, particularmente soy Venezolano y las bellezas naturales de nuestro continente no tienen comparación, te deseo el mejor de los éxitos y espero que sigas compartiendo tus viajes y aventuras!

Muchas gracias @psicocoachmotiv! Quiero viajar en Venezuela lo antes posible! se que es un pays muy interesante! saludos i suerte! :)



Hi Kasia. It's not always to make big decision when we need to step out our comfort zone. I want to be a backpacker for long time since I started flying for airline. You know I think I miss something in my flying life - probably its the passion to explore deeply a city or country. I always like a person who stop by a country and thats it. You remind me of my dream. see if this year I can make it happen during my unpaid leave ;) Thanks for sharing dear!


Dear Gladys! i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! if you want it you will ind a way! good luck! :)

Philippines is quite cheap to travel also.. :)

It's on my bucket list! i met some Philippians and i fall in love with their kindness :)

Philippines has hospitality people.. :) I will recommend to visit Palawan the most beautiful island in the world.. :)

All those cool places you went to, hope that i will be able to go as well like you.

So i keep my fingers crossed for that!:)

that looks like so much fun <3

yeah! i only can confirm your assumption :)

I spent 10 weeks in Costa Rica back in 2012. Not solo, though--with my husband (@lukestokes), 3-year-old, and 14-month-old. We're plotting our next adventure. My travel wish list is long.....I want to go all over the place! :)

once you start travelling you realise that there are so many amazing places to discover! good luck! :)

Your courage inspires me :)

! thank you :)

This wonderful place is attracting me extremely.Wishing I have a chance to visit it in my life.

if you want it, you will one day! :)

cool - live life to the fullest, fantastic adventure!

Heal yeah!:)

Great post and photos. Following you now. Look forward to seeing more. I write alot about my travels too.

Thanks and good luck! :)

sister please vote mee

wow I love the place ! I hope someday I can visit it there . @kasia I hope you will visit my post. and help me to upvote. https://steemit.com/life/@thefairlady/my-life-as-a-teacher-and-i-am-proud-of-it

good luck to you!

amazing pics I would love to visit those places. :)

I hope you will soon!

Wow amazing photography all the snaps are awesome.... perfect click....thank you for sharing with us.... keep sharing more

thank you!

Great job Kasia ! Safe travels :)

Thank you! :)

Great Kasia ^_^! Thank you for sharing with us your experiences. I did my solo travel in South America last year and I feel a lot of Brazilian "saudades"! will write posts about art, photography and travels. If you are interested in these topics check my profile 😊!

I'd be happy to read your stories! I loved Brasil! :)

I definitely know this feeling, Kasiu :) Good luck with your current and future projects! And see you around somewhere in the world! Pozdrawiam ciepło! :)

!! Dziękuję! :) Thank you for your kind words! and yes, see you around! :) good luck!

Thanks for sharing this, i love traveling as well. I believe you learn and grow a lot from each adventure, so get out there and do it as much as possible!

so true! good luck with your projects!

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