Port lincoln Australia. This was a daytrip for every one, even unexperienced divers. Just a regulator in your mouth and standing in the cage.They also have a live aboard for divers. Next time we will do that. Better cages and longer bottom time. The visability was great. We also made this trip in South Africa. There you had to hold your breath as long a possible and the visability was bad. So go Australia
Thank you. Meet a white shark underwater is exceptionnal !! Where it was?
Port lincoln Australia. This was a daytrip for every one, even unexperienced divers. Just a regulator in your mouth and standing in the cage.They also have a live aboard for divers. Next time we will do that. Better cages and longer bottom time. The visability was great. We also made this trip in South Africa. There you had to hold your breath as long a possible and the visability was bad. So go Australia