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RE: 🤸 Exploring Costa Rica: The acrobatic way 🤸

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

HAHAHH! I'm glad my articles are helping you out! :) Just got to stay positive. Speaking of articles... going to post another one about 10 things you don't know about me... I think you'll get a kick out of it. hehe... don't know how helpful that will be, but maybe it will bring laughter, so all is well there.

also... I think I could write an article about relaxing. That's my subject of expertise. :) Hangin', Kickin' it!

I have to admit... I'm addicted to Steemit. Even when I was camping I was like. OMG I need internet! I wonder what my friend 01 is up too today? I need to post! I need to chat with my online buddies. OMG hahah I'm becoming a big dork! LOL But... I don't mind 😉 Dorks are cool!

Maybe you should attend the acroyoga retreat. No internet out there! LOL

Awesome to hear that you got a lot of work done... planning another vacation already? When is the Hawaii and Caymen Island trip happening? :)