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RE: ADSactly Travels - BMW Museum Munich

in #travel7 years ago

Your father stole the money from people in Italy and that's the reason you hadn't luck the car. ;) and also the money. ;) You lost everything because you were not honest ;) and you've lost them one at a time. That's the reason your dad had health problems . ;) The God saw you were not right ;) and finally you lost all ;)


shut the fuck up bitch go away from here u do spam please help me this crazy girl spam my comments everywhere i need someone to help me to disable her account cuz she stalking me !

Cine ti-a facut o nedreptate nu ramane cu o datorie fata de tine, ci o pierdere fata de el insusi ;)

lol check these guys out @alexvan :D

I see them... my silence is also an answer..

Please do something She stalking me everywhwre And She donot leave me To live My life in pace ...

crezi ca poti sa iti bati joc de un om si sa pleci pur si simplu ?
te inseli :)) uite deasta nu te las pentru ca nici tu nu m-ai lasat cand ti-am zis si m-ai tot cautat ;)
asa ca suporta consecintele ;)
pana nu te vad vierme nici nu te las in pace ;) pana nu platesti pentru tot raul pe care mi l-ai provocat ;)
e simplu sa arunci acuzatii dupa ce distrugi o inima,dupa ce imi rupi sufletul in bucati ,ti foarte usor sa vorbesti, jeg de om fie rusine!!!
vreau sa-mi cumperi o inima noua !!!!!:)

crezi ca daca i-ai pus un inel pe deget, esti insurat si etc :)) te doare mintea idiotule :))
ce idiot esti jur :)) vezi ca si inelul asta o sa ajunga la amanet ;)
te calc in picioare si nu te las pana nu te vad la pamant!!!
ai sa ajungi sa-mi mananci din palma ;) fraiere

Everything I said above is 100% true. He is an awfull man, a rude person who want to manipulate all the people on streemit to donate him money because in some situation he has no brain ;) and he doesn't think right ;). He wants to choose affirmation in his work. He saw only money in front of his eyes.
If it's could possible, he would want to rain with money over his house. He only sees his interest on this site and he doesn't care about other people who help him ;)
So pay attention with this man and open your eyes , please ;)

Can u do something plase ? This girl îs very stupid She donot Understand 1 thing :) Im married And Im Good with My wife .everything with her was When i was 15 She îs very stupid

si nu aveam 15 idiotule :)) cum vine matematica asta la tine?
aveai fucking 18 si eu 17.. ce aburesti lumea cu 15:))

da pe dracu te-ai insurat :)) tu esti handicapat :)) mai visezi mult :)) jeg de om :))
in sant sa ajungi idiotule ;)
sa te bata Dumnezeu de toti peretii pentru toate lucrurile care mi le-ai jurat si pentru promosiuni de care nu te-ai tinut de cuvant !!!!! da pacatele tale sa fie si mai sustii ca esti crestin si etc? esti jalnic,nu stiu cum te mai rabda Doamne Doamne pe pamant!!
o sa platesti pentru tot!!!!!!!!!

O persoană sănătoasă nu dorește să se căsătorească. Trebuie să încetezi să vrei asta, să elimini această idee din cap. Atunci lucrurile vor veni de la sine.
tu ti-ai impus asta de la bun inceput ;) deci nu esti sanatos ;)hihihi :))

He lie, everything was 3 years ago ;) and he is a garbage man who like to take advantage everyone ;)

si cica iti dau banii inapoi :)) when?:))
that's the reason you lose everything because you're rude ;)

fuck you :))idiot :)) you'll never have luck because you're not honest ;)

vezi ce inseamna sa profiti de oameni si sa-i folosesti de plictiseala ;) asa patesc nemernicii ca tine care isi bat joc si se joaca cu sentimentele altora ;) pierd tot;)
sa nu crezi ca faci rau si iti va merge bine, toate astea te ajung din urma ;)
de asta s-a imbolnavit si bunica ta si ai pierdut-o ;)
Doamne Doamne nu doarme si nu bate cu bota ;) si are grija sa iti dea ce meriti numai dupa cat de corect ai fost;) adevarul e ca in cazul tau iti lasa doar impresia ca ai reusit si la jumatate iti spulbera tot, de la bani, lucruri la fericire ;)
karma babe ;)
you deserve what you deserved :)
Lumea te injura si te pupa cu aceeasi gura, diferenta o face interesul ;)