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RE: One Day I Will Sell Everything and Live in a Van.

in #travel8 years ago

I lived one summer in Ireland in an old Bedford van... it was really interesting getting to live some of the realities (and some of the joys) of campervanning lifestyle. As with cars, every vehicle you own will teach you something. I definitely learnt a thing or two from that old Bedford! I'm in the throes of a PhD now, but I've been daydreaming (and YouTubing & Googling) a lot about converting a van to live in semi-full-time (happily I get on well with my parents and can always stay there for a while if I'm working in Ireland). I'm dreaming about converting a hightop long-wheel base like a Fiat Ducato and setting it up to be as comfortable as possible, more tiny home style, with fire burning stove and all. Here's a very rough schema of my ideas up till now - what do you think? I've seen some ideas about DIY electric lift beds that can free up seating space during the day by storing the bed up snug against the ceiling. My idea was to create something that I wouldn't mind living in for significant periods and maybe even stick with if a baby came along at some stage. A lwb van might be a bit more of an arse to manoeuvre and park than a small van but everything is a compromise. I think deciding about how mobile you plan to be is a big factor.
As with wavemaster I would share the vision of wanting to eventually buy a patch to park up on. So sick of paying other people's mortgages!!!