I am back on the West Coast of the USA and living it up in Southern California. For the next week, I will be staying with my family for our reunion. Pretty epic though, we rented a bigass house to stay in.. Check out this view!
Tons of bedrooms (at least 8), a pool, ping-pong, movie theater, this place is as fancy as they get! Minus a bidet haha! Last night I went swimming, filmed a kendama trick, and overate. Eating too much will definitely be a theme this week, my family loves to eat. Check out the view of the pool! This is only 1/4 of the whole backyard. It's crazy up here!
It looks like quite a view I am sure it would be a great place to spend time with the wild animals of the local area.
Inspirational! The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any. We steemians must stand together!
Looks legit, the trees are so pointy!
Hope you enjoy your reunion! Getting together with the fam is always a blast!
enjoy it a lot friend, that this meeting will comfort you. regards