Good morning beautiful humans!
It was a pleasant surprise to find that there actually is cell service here on the property where my friend @JayNoone is getting married tomorrow. I'm actually excited to get offline, but it will be nice to drop in while I'm here before completely unplugging for 3 weeks.
Funny thing is, PorcFest begins next week, and this is the second time that I've been out in this corner of the world right before or right after the event, but I've never actually gone.
I'm here to cook for my first wedding, and that's pretty awesome! I'm so grateful for the ever-expanding & ever-changing opportunities that show up in my life to do the things I love and be of service to others! These next 3 weeks are going to include a LOT of cooking, which will be a fun switch after cooking being a much smaller part of my life so far this year. Steemit is a jealous addiction :-P
"What does anarchy mean to you", but missed the cut-off date in the midst of my preparations for the summer. I go a bit more in-depth in the video, but simply put, I would say that anarchy is freedom, and freedom is taking absolute responsibility for your life, your choices, and the results of those choices. Holding a victim mentality means giving away power over your life, and the key to living free is owning your life!I planned on answering the @TribeSteemUp bi-weekly question
Alright folks, you may or may not see me again this weekend, or during my travel day after this, but I'm not sure.
Have a beautiful, healing, magical, uplifting day, and may the Summer Solstice bring new levels of awesomeness to your life!

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp

Trying to help spread your message. @kennykitchen @jamesc (see you again next Anarchapulco)
Anarchy = Absolute understanding of self ownernship!
Safe travels!
Have a great Healing moments kenny and do enjoy urself, looking forward to seeing you sson
Hey @, great post! GOOD
I enjoy your content Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see nice content on Steemit! :)
Wow... Nice post and perfect @kennyskitchen
awesome post
lovely little blog kenny! profound, deep, beautiful, and full of light and love! You shine like a beacon.. OMmmmm
awesome ! hope you have a lot of fun at the wedding and going off grid for a bit :)
God is Everything, past, present, future. 3 powers positive, negative, balance. Thought of it when I was 5
Enjoy your time there Kenny. Sounds like another marvelous adventures of yours! Peace, love and anarchy.
Where are ya Kenny? Hopefully somewhere beautiful :) I really want to go to the mountains myself.
The White Mountains in New Hampshire :-) Flying to Orcas Island, Washington tomorrow!
I wish you enjoy and keep making such videos for all Beautiful Humans On Dtube
Enjoy your time there my friend and see you when you return.
Good job man
how can ii upload video, I ttoed but mothing cpming