It's really lovely seeing a winery that not on produce great, quality wine but also does it while caring for the environment but not in a primitive way- those chicken and cow manor methods with the moveable runs are really brilliant!
They're also really smart to offer a complete package- not only wine and vines but also a tour the most powerful segway there is(there are more models - smaller than this mammoth wheeled model) and having a spa and so on - you are really lucky that you got invited to such a lovely tour!
But the thing that touched my heart the most is the books initiative- you don't find commercial companies that care for their neighboring areas in such a way, usually the ignore them or steal their resources- teaching kids to read is a great act by them- they give those kids a gift that will help them all their life, and that's warming my heart- if I was a wine drinker, I would surely try them just for that act of charity!
Thanks for the lovely photos and descriptions!