A Time Traveler's report #2

in #travel8 years ago


Greetings Everyone!.I'm back again as promised to give you another report.So i spent the last day exploring and getting to know where i am.I was supposed to land in a totally different environment,but things DO tend towards disorder!...Anyway my current location is a city named New Delhi.

I managed to find a place to live because i'm gonna be here for my mission for a few days.
I don't have much time(really i don't) so straight to the point,I have to find a group of three people living in this city...they call themselves "Mages" in the online world.........this group has everything in the terms of intelligence,resourcefullness or connections........it's very crucial for my plan that i meet them......these guys are ghosts,no one can find them unless they want to be found but since i'm the exceptional case,I tracked one of them down and tonight i'm gonna make contact,this is the FIRST BIG STEP........... Wish me luck.......

Hang tight for the Next one....