Not only Photography, and Education, But it's about Art and science of Beauty

in #travel7 years ago

Photography AL-Kahar Majid working in the lens | ART - Photography

Not only Photography, and Education, But it's about Art and science of Beauty




Photography study program is part of the Faculty of Media Record Art, Indonesian Art Institute of Yogyakarta, which studies and perpetuates the forms and events, both natural and artificial, in order to create a beautiful form of photographic artwork and has value and meaning in accordance with cultural values ​​and national personality.

The graduate profile of the Photography course has competency in the field of expertise: expression photography (photography that emphasizes artistic aspect, creativity, and innovation oriented towards the personal expression of its creator), commercial photography (photography that leads to the application of creativity and innovation in the form of professional photography services in the world of work, either independently or in teams), journalistic photography (photography that emphasizes creativity and innovation in the field of professional, ethical, and professional journalistic photo).

The Photography Study Program has a Professional Working course based on knowledge and experience in the field. This course provides students the opportunity to implement skills directly in the world of work in order to enhance creativity and enrich professional experience in the field of expertise and strengthen network with stakeholders.


Photography is an activity of drawing or writing using light. Because the result of a visual object, can also be said that photography is one effective communication tool used by a photographer to the recipients of the message. While art is a human activity in reflecting reality into a work whose form and content have the power to evoke certain experiences within the recipient's spirituality. In addition, art can also be said as one way in communicating a message from the artist to the recipients by noticing the beauty aspect.

From the above understanding, it can be said that art photography is a visual message transfer activity based on the experience of the photographer who doubles as a communicator to the visual message delivery from the experience of the photographer to the communicant with the aim to influence his thinking. Highlighting the beauty aspect is characteristic of the way messages are delivered through this art photography when compared to other means or media delivery messages. To achieve the goal of communication through art photography, the need to fulfill some requirements better known as AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action or in Indonesian known as Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

The first requirement is to attract the attention of the viewer. Without this process, a message from photographs as well as other works of art will be difficult to convey. Second, a photograph should be able to generate interest (interest) on the message to be delivered. Once people are interested in the work of the photographs made, then from there the process continues with the emergence of desire (desire) to find out more messages delivered. After the emergence of desire, it will also arise an action (action) in accordance with what is expected by a photographer. If all these conditions are met, then the photo produced by a photographer can be said to succeed as a medium of communication.

Actions that arise from a communicant can be varied depending on the message delivered. Such actions include abstract acts such as the emergence. Many books with different references describe this art photography. Among them is called Art photography which emphasizes to a shot in photography is recognized as an art. Which will give a perception and emotion of the heart of a photographer and can distribute the work to the public. Fine art photography as an image produced for the sale of a product (commercial). An image production that will prioritize the fulfillment of the visual needs of the photographer in order to get things that are eye-catching.

The next definition means everything that is elusive, but when a photographer takes pictures and animates rather than the image he is about to take. Just like publishing magazines such as for pupular photography, printed, or as an exhibition, even certain feelings (sad, happy, angry, moved, etc.) and concrete actions such as buying products offered by photographers), providing assistance to disaster victims nature, and so forth.

History The Art of Photography

At the end of the 10th century AD Ibn al-Haitham along with Kamaluddin al-Farisi found the basic principles of camera making and applied it in a camera box called Obscura. Then the camera Obscura was also introduced widely introduced in the West by Cardano Geronimo in the 16th century AD by changing the viewfinder on the camera with the lens. In 1665, composed a small camera that functions almost the same as the camera Obscura.

At this time, the development of photography focused only on the development of the camera system itself. While the results of the camera, which is a photograph, its function as a recording of an object or event without regarded as a work of visual art like a painting or a statue at that time. Visual artists argue that the photographic images produced by the camera are not by the photographer's hands, but because of the sophistication of the camera itself. That's why they can not accept the fact that photographs are a work of art.

Understanding art photos is a work of photographs that have artistic value, an aesthetic value both universal and limited. artwork photographs biasaya have the ability to save in a long time without reducing the value of art. Art photographs are quite influential on other photography branches such as photojournalism.

A work or photo can be said as an art object, when it is not only the result of a mere reproduction process. the appearance of ideas or ideas in creating art photographs does not just appear and seem impromptu. good art photographs usually go through a process of empirical observation of comparability, reflection, and also a series of long and ending dreams as an execution: transparent and new concepts and visions and missions. art photographs are not part of the youngest branch of art.

           the refinement of the techniques and the quality of photographic images occurred in the late 19th century, when the American market was flooded with a kodak camera popularized by George Eastmen. But the development of art photographs in Indonesia actually occurred around the end of the eighteenth century, there are Indonesian citizens who have been able to make beautiful photos captured in the studio as well as in the wild, and has a very good art content. Mature calculation of the object, lighting and composition is obviously very attention. 

Although the printing of the picture is very good but the photos produced at that time still seem frozen because when photographing an object such as humans, the model must be silent for some time due to the technology on the camera when it's still simple.

Figure of art

    Ansel Adam is the largest American art art photographer in the 20th century. Adam was not only known as an art photographer but also contributed to the world of photography education by discovering the Zone System method with his colleague Fred Archer in the 1940s.

           Zone system method in general is a planned process in making photos ranging from pre-visulisasi, accumulation of light, to processing a maximum quality photo prints. So the current photographer no longer rely on luck alone in lighting his work.

           Art photographs are pictorial pictorial photographs that feature aesthetics that mimic imaging of images or paintings. art photos put forward the beauty or artistic contained in a photo than the content of the meaning of the photo itself. The elements that photographers of art photos exploited are usually compositions, dramatic irradiations, and color tones.

           Then it can be concluded that the art photo is a continuous process ranging from the concept of planning, manufacture, technical implementation accurately including the processing of film or digital files. According to a renowned photographer, only a photo of journalists who must be what it is and should not be manipulated, in contrast to fine art whose digital process is just a tool to work.

           In creating the work of art the main concept that must be prepared is personal idelisme.development of the concept and then adjusted to existing facilities, environmental influences, difficulties that may occur, and support equipment as a supporting technical factor.

           art photographs are not the same as commercial photos made for consumer satisfaction, Photo art is more aimed at devoting the creativity of photographers in taking pictures. Usually a photographer makes art photos for personal satisfaction and does not think of any compensation in the form of money. therefore work as an art photographer is more dominantly done as a hobby than a job.

In weekly phothography challenge can be drawn the conclusion that Fine Art photography requires the skill of composition where photographer plays elements available in the object like line, field and space available. Also available light elements.

Art photography can not also be classified as a genre. Photos of landscape, macro and others can be made into art photos with shooting angle games and imagination of the photographer without forgetting the elements of light and lighting which is the main element of photography.

The thing to consider in taking art photos is the artistic photography of the object as a two-dimensional field, for example if taking a photo of art about humans then that diperhatika in art photos is the curves of anatomy, hair lines, eyebrows and artistic eye pedals. While what is being done by humans themselves tend to be ignored. In taking photography the preferred art is aesthetic value, while the value of the use tends to be ignored.

There is a difference of view between the usefulness of art photography in terms of komersilanya, in blogs shutterbug stated that art photos can be used as one income enhancer because it can be commercialized while in the blog black and white authors found a statement that the art photos created by a photographer just for the satisfaction photography without thinking of the sale value of the photo so that art photographs are more recommended as a hobby alone is not a job.

Fine art in photography is like any other branch of art unrelated to a function that is as a medium of expression or a symbol of self. Art on photography is often called "Fine art".

According to Andreas Feininger (1955) the camera is just a tool to produce "artwork".

The value contained more than the artwork can depend on the person who operates the camera
Feininger's expression does have a point. If the camera is likened to a guitar, of course everyone can pick the strings of the guitar.

But not necessarily the person is able to play a beautiful song and nice to hear. Just like with the camera, everyone can just snap with the camera to produce a photo object. But not everyone who is able to photograph it can produce a beautiful and impressive imagination work. A beautifully graded photo is on a streak of color and composition of the image and will have other shock power. a professional photographer, Ferry Ardianto said that the good photo is an informative photo that includes context, content, and composition (layout and lighting). His point, context means there are things that want to be divisualk.


this paper is useful to provide education about the world of art as well as to add insights around the arts, especially on the art of photography and natural beauty that is devoted in the portrait of the lens.

one of the main reasons I am writing this is to encourage the motivation of artists to be more motivated in their hobbies and to know the figures of world-renowned art figures

Photography ART by Kahar



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Hi your very beautiful