Travel to the sea. Visit my blog, it's already out of the black list!

in #travel7 years ago

Hi Steemit!

I already noticed that I was removed from the blacklist! Many thanks! I'm glad that you brought me back to your community! I'm new to Steemit, and put out a few posts with my travels. But now, I can send my posts to Steemit.

My trip to the sea

All my stories and photos will be presented to you. I promise that I will tell everything as a spirit - from the heart and soul.

Bathe in the sea on the first day we did not go, but to luxuriate on the beach and wander along the shore on the ankle in the water - it's sacred. I'm a fan of beach holidays, so I would be very mentally hurt, if I did not go to the sea.

We mostly rested, walked and spent a lot of time on the beach.

We walked a lot along the famous Gelendzhik embankment, photographed a lot, watched the life around, enjoyed the scenery and, of course, saw off the sunsets.

I love rest on the sea. You can swim, get a beautiful tan, paint on the sand. Here is one of my works, for Steemit:

Rest is good. Rest on the sea, doubly. A trip to the sea by car is also very exciting.

Good morning everybody

Another 2 hours and Lenok at sea

It was cool !!! 😊😍

Pokatushki, extreme, and cool weather😊😊😊😍😍😎

I swept the sea on a jet ski. It was very cool. I also liked the stop at sea. Where I could swim at great depths. I can swim, but a lifejacket is a good thing in the open sea.

The Last Days of Summer😊.

My beautiful day at sea. Very good rest after working days.

It's morning of the next day, and more likely to the beach. A lot of people, despite the fact that the end of summer. The sea was cool on the first day. We swam, we lie in the sun, and some kind of euphoria ... You're warming ... You're sunbathing. While nobody sees, took a drop of water from the skin and tried ... And the truth is - the sea is salty. They laughed at me together.

Warm and clean water. They say that in late August, the whole sea is overgrown with algae and the invasion of jellyfish. But I did not notice it. Videmo not yet vemya. I was lucky, and I could enjoy swimming without adventures, and unpleasant moments in the form of a burn from jellyfish.

a bit extreme. my descent from the hill. it seemed to me that I could fly the passein :)

As a child, I also loved roller coaster. And it does not matter water or sand in the yard.

Rest in Kirillovka every year is becoming more popular among Ukrainians. Warm climate, clean sea with sandy beaches, therapeutic mud and modern developing infrastructure attract more and more tourists to the shores of the Azov Sea. Summer vacation is a great time to travel, relax in nature and gain strength for a whole year. For most of us, the best summer vacation is a holiday at sea.

The main advantage of the sea is its wide sandy beaches, located throughout the coast of the village. Some parts of the spit have good beaches from the estuary. This creates a unique opportunity to choose a place of rest for any request.

To cool the shoulders burnt on the dacha, to beat the roadside metropolitan dust in the sea, and still to improve. Warm, filled with life, light and bright colors of the sea do not cease to amaze.

I am relaxed, I forgot about all things, I rest from the city bustle. The sea ... I really love the sea. It is never monotonous, uninteresting, because every day, even every minute, it is different. Mysterious, impermanent, immense - it excites the soul, does not leave the heart indifferent.

In one day it is quiet and calm, like a large mirror, cold and transparent. Sun rays, penetrating the salt water, reach the bottom, gently touch the golden sand and bright radiant shells, smooth pebbles and greenish algae, catch small, smart fish that flock at the beach cheerfully.

The next day everything suddenly changes. A gusty wind will fly and drive waves to the shore. The water becomes cloudy-green, sometimes - dark blue, and once I saw even strikingly black. There is no more fish, shells, or sand: there are only violent waves, which beat against the coastal sand with force.

As always, the monkey will not pass

Describe the sea, you can endlessly! The sea does not happen not beautiful. It is constantly changing, and rarely it is monotonous. And no matter how much you have to look at the sea - it will never bother you. Sometimes, it seems that I can look at the sea endlessly. I like to look at the gulls that hover above the sea under the blue sky.

good catch. Sea bulls.

I like dried beef to beer.

For several hours the sky was clouded. The sun seemed only after dinner. But then it became even darker. And yet, it must be admitted, autumn has tightly captured the summer.

The sea in inclement weather, terrible, it throws itself against the shore with a roar and a roar. In this case, thousands of splashes, drops from the impact of the sea on the shore. Not everyone will risk swimming in this weather, and yet it does not leave your heart indifferent.

Underwater, likes to pretend that he is dead😊

There was a grasshopper in the grass, just like a cucumber. Green it was :)

We are preparing to eat. For the evening, a shish kebab.

I so want the summer did not end ☺

The sea, as a living being, has its own character, its history, its features and multiple secrets.

The sea seems to me amazing. I think that the sea is a giant with which I can compete, and I throw stones or I shout loudly. But victory always goes to the sea. It muffles my voice and throws my pebble on the shore. Sometimes it seems to me that I can look at the sea endlessly. And it always rejoices me.


Beautiful. Looks like you had Fun, Thanks for sharing

Yes, it was very fun! Only a little. Well, a lot of rest does not happen)

Did they blacklist you? How come?

Please, can you share what happened so others new here like me would be careful too?

That was a lot of pictures looks like you're having fun and I'm glad you're back on the good list

The black list does not suit me: D

very pretty and i love the beach, the water is so blue love it..


kindly see my post to and lets support each other..

Rest for me is the sea. I love him

great post