In Which We Get Back in the Saddle

in #travellast year

I know, I know...I've been neglecting this blog again. I'll try to get back at it! I do have lots I want to share.

The past few months have been dedicated to building my little YouTube channel. I've made some strides, for sure, but I've got a long way to go. I started a new shorts series, called "Did You Know...?" and that has certainly been fun.

But today I released a new long-form video going over the main differences between a shrine, a basilica, and a cathedral. Come check it out! And I promise, I'll start posting more again. LOL


Thanks I learned a lot. :) Beautiful pictures! Also, I am currently writing a paper for my class on the decline of Gothic stained glass in France with a case study of the Soissons Cathedral.

Oooo, sounds like a fascinating paper!