Enjoying the View From My Balcony

in #travel7 years ago

Someone said, choosing the right place to stay if you desire to perceive eyes catching views while you are on holiday time in Sabang resort. I believe what he said and I got the right one. What I am going to share is, the view that eased my mind soon I stepped toward the balcony. Wooden balcony that was made facing the ocean. They intentionally placed two comfortable seats so that I could freely enjoy the breeze that flew over my face. Let me tell you how best this place is.


I believe many of you want to visit this place to feel like I did. I swear you do! Commonly a resort is used to spend the vacation, the place where we can have relaxation from the hurly-burly life and forget the trouble that we have. It is not a five-star hotel, but its service similar to it. One of the most looked-part of this resort is located strategically which built right facing the vast ocean. I could not imagine, how best this place was.


This resort is intentionally built on the seashore. This could be anything for people who desire to have a total view of the sea. It served me with a natural object that would be enough to spoil our holiday. It could be defined as the essential destination for all of us. For me, it has a signature facility which is distinct as the visitor can enjoy. On the balcony, I could barely see the moldy seaweed that was continuously reflecting under the water while the breeze kept passing over the trees. The wind that was cold and fine.


While the sun was shining and the air crisp yet that I could tell you the day was going to be hot and sometime the wind was trying to let it go. Still on the balcony, I could hear the smaller birds were fighting over the trees, some of them flew away lost the battle when the sea was becoming bright and the secret of under sea beauty was revealed beneath its clear water. The combination of natural beuaty made me hard to forget this place.


While the sky above was white and blue, such a contrast to the bright that had emerged last couple days. I moved to another side of balcony and stand mesmerized by the clear view of the ocean. The ocean seemed smooth. It gave me a special sight of the seaside, causing me to stay longer. A few minutes later, another stunning sight come forward this time I stared with the move of the tree leaves. Then, I decided to come back to the room, and prepared to visit another place of Iboih Sabang. Two days later, I left this place with a thousand memories kept in my head.



Discord Komunitas Steemit Indonesia

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Sangat indah

Terima kasih :D

Bang levi,, mohon arahan dan bimbingannya semoga saya juga bisa seperti ab. Tq

I agree with you

i llllike it. but if you are indonesian, please with indonesia language. make them study with our language!!
masak cuman kita terus yang belajar bahasa mereka, hehehehe
kita Indonesia
kita kaya

This looks like heaven on earth! You should add it to the SteemitWorldMap and join the contest I did to encourage users to contribute to the map. Check it out Steemit World Map Challenge #2 Everyone wins!

Hi @levycore, ini adalah Alam yang sangat indah 🤗

Ya itu benar , ini adalah ciptaan yang maha kuasa :D

Wow really nice view you are so lucky.

I think so , Thanks for the comment :D

Can i get a upvote on my comment?

Seeedapp abg kita liburan terus kayaknya nih hahaha. Ini yang di sabang kemarin itu bang? @levycore

Iya alfa , ini punya liburan abang kmaren heheheh :D

Hahaha tempatnya romance kali, panteslah dipilih :D @levycore

Foto-foto yang sangat Indah, mari terus promosikan kekayaan alam aceh sebagai destinasi wisata dunia. Salam steemi.!

Terima kasih @basristeemit, Saleum :D

Saleum Aneuek Nanggroe

i really enjoying to see this photography.thanks for sharing this post..
i like this natural photo..

hope you like it :D

SAntai BANGet

Sesekali juga harus bersantai untuk menghilangkan rasa penat :D

Alias sabang :D

Keindahan yang mengangumkan dan mempesona.

Terima kasih @syehlah :D

Karena full english, saya gak tahu mau komen apa Bang @levycore. Takut salah. But, this pict is awesome.. 😎

Sesekali go interntional hehehe, Terima kasih telah berkomentar :D

Hahaha... Bertussss bang ... 🤣🤣

Pemandangan yang sangat indah dan menawan bg @levycore... nice picture..👍👍

Indah sekali, nice 👍

Tempat yang sangat indah, anda sangat beruntung bg @levycore, disana sangat lah cocok untuk menghabis kan masa liburan.

angel foto yang sempurna, sungguh indah memang ciptaan tuhan, meskipun di foto dengan berbagai anggel jika dinikmati dari sisi positif maka akan indah. Sungguh beruntung bg @levycore bisa menikmati suasana terindah. Semoga bg @levycore selalu sehat dan mampu mencerahkan kita stemian indonesia.

salam dr @rezqiwahyudi

Alam memang menyediakan segalanya untuk semua mahluk hidup
Termasuk inspirasi dalam berkarya

Geuthei...awai kurator jak mita angen. Lon baro rencana...karap gagal planning

Fotonya bagus, bener-bener tempat yang bisa ngelupain masalah dan ninggalin hiruk pikuk dunia nih. I want visit that place.

Keren ih pemandangannya.. moga2 ada kesempatan berkunjung ketempat bang @levycore

Beautiful Restful Place, What a View!

Sure thing my friend. You gotta visit this place someday. Thank for dropping by

Looks absolutely stunnning

Will definitely have a good nights rest here

Good Post @levycore Thanks Salam KSI

keren tat bg,, biasa di banda pat ngopi bg,. rencana kamo tengoh kembangkan KOMUNITAS UIN STEEMIT WRITER

Nature place & beautiful
Kiban cara tatulis dlm bhsa inggris bg?

Alamnya masih sangat alami. Sangat enjoy dan mempesona...
Salam sukses selalu @levycore...

Salah satu cottage yang masih menjaga pohon tetap tumbuh tinggi di kawasannya.
Tentram sekali menikmati pagi di sana.

Lihat postingan ini jadi ingin segera menyimpan waktu untuk kembali lagi menginap di sana.

Thanks Bang @levycore. Nanti klo ke Iboih, saya rekomendasi untuk mencoba menginap di Fie Resort. Dijamin enggak kalah nyamannya!

Bagus x tu pemandangannya,,,dimana tu bg levi

What a view! Beauty!

Sungguh perjalanan yang seru dan damai ya

Banyak cerita bisa keluar kalau menikmati suasana macam tu

Surga tersembunyi diujung barat indonesia :)

happy to join in steemit, successful greetings for steemit lovers,
continue to work
hopefully hope and dream of steemit users in this year can be achieved all..!!

Oh god damn, that hammock, I love it. Also the view, the perspective you get seeing the sunrise. That`s some little things in life that make it matter.
Lucky you had this occasion.

Sabang, salah satu tempat dan tujuan wisata terbaik di Indonesia dengan pemandangan sangat indah baik di pantai maupun bawah laut. Semoga keindahan dan kealamian pemandangan tetap terjaga.

Keren kali rakan Naggroe @levycore, keindahan destinasi pariwisata di Aceh adalah anugrah dari Allah. Mohon dukungan upvote dan follow untuk @faridaceh , semoga Aneuk Nanggroe makin jroeh.

Banyak sekali koleksi Sabang...

luar biasa

Luar biasa postingan nya. Selain pemandangannya yang sangat indah, foto-foto yang brother abadikan juga sangat menarik, fotonya nampak seperti asli seolah-olah pemandangan yang asli, jadinya saya bisa menikmati langsung pemandangannya tanpa harus pergi kesana.Wow bg @levycore ..

Karena itu terima kasih banyak bang levy sudah mempublikasikan gambar yang sangat bagus sehingga kami bisa menikmatinya dari jarak jauh melalui platform Steemit ini.

Terima kasih yang sangat spesial bang @levycore sampai jumpa lagi di postingan berikutnya.

I am Tgk Rijal Aron MUDI & Dayah BlangBlahdeh Abu Tumin.

By @rijalaronaceh

Those are beautiful of photos Bang @levycore.So natural of view. Hoped one day I'll visit there.

Warm regard from Formosa Island😊

Angle foto yang cantik dapat menciptakan objek yang hidup dan indah. Sukses untuk @levycore


Nice.. 👍👍👍 Sangat indah bg @levycore

pemandangan yang sangat indahdan menarik untuk di pandang

Very good review.. upvote me please... 😊


What amazing place to visit my bro.... How lucky you are....

Tempat yang sangat indah.

Foto yang bagus dan indah lahir dari tangan fotografer yang handal. Sangat indah sekali. Bagi donk tips menghasilkan foto yang bagus om @levycore?

Hy bg @levycore pemandangan yang sangat memanjakan mata Kunjungi dan vote me @israfuliqbal

Definitely you had great time enjoying Sabang. It's one of Aceh's best travel destination, isn't it? But unfortunately I never been there :( I hope someday I could enjoying the same view as you did... Thanks for sharing.

wow indah bangett.. tapi gak tau arti nya hahaha.. salam sukses untuk kita semua

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