Chinese Golden week holiday has started and same as every year, Chinese people go traveling and enjoy their free time. My very good friend from high school is one of them and he is visiting me and we are doing a trip to Paris and Venice. We are now in Paris. The important tourist attractions for him in Paris are not Eiffel tower or the louvre but the LV flagship store in Galleries Laffayette. I never buy luxury goods, but this time i joined my friend and really could see the point, why so many Chinese people come to Paris to buy this stuff; It is really so much cheaper then in China. On one bag you can safe about 40 percent of the price. Of course this stuff is still super expensive but if you haven't got a better idea on how to spend your hardly earned money, then go for it!
My friend is homosexual and we always had a very good and deep friendship since school time. Shopping is one of his favorite hobbies and i love to share this with another men then with my man, who is, as most men, not very enthusiastic at shopping.
Because my friend is only in Europe for seven days, our schedule is so tight that he couldn't get jet lag. We only spend one day in Zurich, then two days in Paris, two days in Venice, and then one day in Switzerland, so i'm sure we will be super tired at the end.
Since my friend has planned to go to Europe, he already said that he wants ro experience the local gay scene. So the first day we went to a Gay Bar in zurich, according to the web search it was on of the most famous places to go. Unfortunately we got very disappointed. A total of only five people were inside, and they were also not very chatty. To know that my gay friend was looking for an object, only the two of us were chatting.
基友从来欧洲之前就一直说要感受下欧洲的Gay Bar,所以第一天我们就去了苏黎世的Gay Bar,在网上查到一家最出名的,可能也是因为不是周末,所以格外萧条,里面一共只有五个人,他们还都是在尬聊。要知道我基友可是抱着找对象的心理去的。
We also went to a Gay bar in Paris, it is considered as the world's Top ten Gay bar, but we saw mainly older people, dancing the tango, quite romantic, but my friend didn't want to dance the tango, but rather wanted to find a young handsome guy to have fun. A little disappointed we returned. Tonight we gonna check out another place, hope my friend will get lucky this time!:-)
在巴黎我们也去了Gay bar,是全球十大Top gay bar,但里面都是年纪比较大的,在跳探戈,其实挺浪漫的,但基友不会跳探戈,他是想找那种很嗨的,大家一起跟音乐摇摆的Gay bar,无奈又失望而归了。
Thank you for reading! I will write more about my Paris trip in my next post!
great post, and love Paris and Venice, especially if you stop by Milano on the way.
Hahahaha, that's why we don't go to Milano!
帥哥是基友非常好!少了一個和我爭奪女孩的競爭者 XD
哈哈哈哈 Gay真的毫无威胁性
还是有的,威脇我的菊花 XDD
Great post. Your travel series has inspired me to try to do something similar during my recent vacation to Stockholm, Sweden. I love your work, keep making more posts!
对呀 哈哈哈 你注册上了!
哈哈, 你认识 Vicki 啊?
可以推荐你朋友到美国旅游的时候去麻州的 Provincetown. 夏天的时侯是同志们的天堂!
哈哈哈哈 我会告诉他的!
对啊 都没时间上Steemit了
Very nice post! Thanks for sharing!
Nice trip, wish you and your friend more luck in the next bar :D
Hahaha, thank you, we hope so too.
哈哈哈 谢谢!
gay bar?? 第一次听说,cool !
国内也有gay bar,我去过
是啊 能坚持很多年无话不谈的朋友真的很珍惜
Awesome post. It's always fun to meet friends on trips! Looking forward tot he next update.
我在哥本哈根去过一家GAY BAR
哈哈哈哈 我基友就想找这种特别激情四射的Gay bar
Lovely Post