Those photos alone tells me that you have a beautiful country. It really looks like you have a great time with your travel. Except for the hangover, that is. I am not sure with you guys why you drink to your hearts content and suffer the consequence later. 😃
post as an entry to Pay It Forward Curation Contest. You too are welcome to join the contest.Thanks for sharing your adventure. As you know, your article was featured by @pehteem on his
@macoolette, yeah, the hangover was really bad for me. I felt really sick after walking down from winding stairs of St. Mary's Church's tower. Even later, while travelling in train - I was feeling sick.
You know the hangover will come but I wonder why you still went on too drunk?
I live in Poland, sometimes there is not possible to say 'I drank too much' :)
So you keep drinking just to go with the flow? Oh no...