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RE: Atlanta Trip: Beluga Whales!

in #travel8 years ago

Well-written blog @moony ! I thought the aquarium in Monterey bay, CA was pretty big, but this one definetly takes the cake! Very cool to read that you have the courage to pursue your dreams, despite a cheating boyfriend👍. Guess that its his loss, to let go of such a strong and passionate person😜.

I just started doing a series of travelblogs about my hometown : Dazzling Amsterdam. But I am a Blog-noob😅. Since you are an experienced travelblogger, it would mean a lot to me if you gave me your opinion on them. Wanna check them out? Thanks in advance.

Keep going strong!


@marcovanhassel Cool I will have to look into that aquarium! Yes the tall viewing area where I got my photo with the whale sharks was the best part other than the whales! Yes we must never stop pursuing our dreams. That's why we have them :)

Haha well thank you for your kind words. I will give them a look! I have never been to Amsterdam!!

Keep on steemin :)

No problem! We're all friends here right?