International driving rules and permit are not recognized in Nigeria or are not fully use in Nigeria, and all alien are mandated to get the Nigerian driver license.
The official Nigerian road traffic rules and regulation are:
Traffic moves on the right side of the road, overtaking is always on the left side.
The minimum age required in driving in Nigeria is 18 years.
It is not allowed to leave vehicles on highways and express road.
It is an offence to ride motorcycles against traffic.
While driving, it is not allow to smoke and eat.
Motorcycles drivers and passengers must all wear helmets.
Drivers must give way to traffic on the left at every roundabout.
The average speed limit within a town is 40 km/h (25 mph).
Persons below 18 years old may not be allowed to ride motorcycles. The minimum age required in riding or driving motorcycles is 18 years.
A standized blood alcohol limit is 0.05 %. Any person driving under the control of alcoholic drink or a drug may be punish by imprisoned for two years.
Ware and load not allowed to carry on the motorcycle: pregnant women, children below 12, adults carrying load on their hands and heaf.
While driving, making phone calls are not permitted if cell phone doesn’t have a loudspeaker system or rather hand free system.
It is not allowed to park within 15 meters of intersection.
It is highly regarded to park 16 meter away from any intersection.
It is not legal to use noisy and sound making devices in the cities.
It is not allowed to drive along the bus lane.
Parking on yellow line on a public highway is not permitted
Crossing a double yellow line is not allowed.
Staying within the yellow junction boxes is forbidden.
At Zebra crossing, all pass-by and pedestrians always have the right of way.
Installation of musical gadget on a motorcycle is highly prohibited
Slow moving vehicles must always keep to the right lane in the roaf.
Driving on the walkway and is prohibited.
Parking on the walkway and curbs is not allowed in Nigeria.
Parking and stopping to pick a passengers by a commercial vehicle on the highway is not allowed.
Driving a vehicle with a ineffective or torn number plate is not legal
Driving vehicles with doors left open is an offence
Driving a right hand vehicle is not allowed
A fire extinguisher is required to be present in every vehicle in Nigeria in case of emergency.
It is not permitted to stop a vehicle within 25 feet from any corner.
Source: Federal Road Safety Commission
Watch out for part two of traffic regulation in Nigeria
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