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This cave, while dark, didn't have the typical 'walls pressing in on you' feeling to it. And I was sooooo proud of him for taking care of business on the side of the mountain. That's the real reason we were in hurry to get down anyway: Matt works while we travel and his work day was supposed to have started a couple hours prior. The trip took much longer than we expected. So, he just did what he had to do to make it work. It was pretty epic. :-D And he got a kick out of closing a deal in a storm, on a mountain, in Austria.
It looks quite spacious. I just know myself and I'm panicking while thinking about it, lol. But honestly, I've been to a few caves already. My husband would hold my sweaty hand and lead me through them, lol.
Ok, ok, I got it! But it was still dangerous :)