Good to hear you got home safely. Also not have to deal with rude flight attendants. Curious what airline was that or usable among all domestic airlines?
I had a similar experience except it was my family literally being late. About five years ago we had a trip from Boston to Miami but on the trip back we got out of our hotel a bit late. We were driving in a rental car that was low on fuel and I got lost getting into the airport. Mom in the back seat complaining we needed gas but are plane was boarding when I was still on the highway.
We got to the security and the airline jet blue help us move quick through TSA and we all ran to the gate. Indeed we were the last ones to arrive but we were able to get to our sits without issues. The plane was packed so everyone was waiting for us, so it seemed.
These experiences are memories that stick by us even though it seem kind of bad or rough. We joke about it a lot now. Priceless...
Wow, still on the highway as they were boarding! Amazed you still made it.