Speaking of Boobs . . . And other Alaskan mushrooms

in #travel9 years ago

Hiking along the muskeg inlets of Southeast Alaska, we discovered these interesting mushrooms.
I just had to take a photo.

But wait ..... there's more

So we hiked a little farther down the path and found these.

Who says Mother Nature doesn't have a sense of humor?

I am not a mushroom connoisseur but I appreciate each type because of it's own unique texture, shape and color. I don't know their names or whether they are edible or not. I just enjoy looking at them, photographing them and appreciating Nature.

Is this a fairy shelf?

I think this is the one we were looking for.

PS Liking the new "submit" format!! Thank you!!

Follow me at @mazi


That spider is in heaven!


mushrooms.... yep, whats why I clicked the post.... love mushrooms. :)


Two of them are entrapped by a spider. Did you notice that?

I did! It's obviously a type of spider commonly found in motorboats. lol

you had me with the boobs but lost me with mushrooms :D

красива фото грибов.