Backpacking South America #2: Running For Our Lives on a 4000 Meters High Plateau During a Thunderstorm

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Huchuy Cusco, Peru.

First, let me tell you that this is probably one of the best day hikes in the Cusco region and it's a shame that only very few people actually know about it. Sure, it takes some courage to do it on your own, to get out of the comfort zone of guided hikes but isn't that what we are traveling for?

Looking at this picture instantly takes me back


When we set of in the morning, we knew it would be a long day but as information about this hike was scarce we had no idea that it would be an even longer day.

The bridge were it all started.


The initial climb was extremely steep and exhausting. The altitude was also taking its toll.


But the scenery was already amazing and photos can not possibly transport the grandeur of this place. Do you notice the dark clouds?


The ruins and terraces of Huchuy Cusco. Hardly anyone ever comes to visit.



Climbing higher and higher along a mystic creek on a century old Inca trail.


Then things began to change. Suddenly dark clouds were drifting in and the rumbling of thunder was followed by lightning ever more closely. And we were running out of time. We had still at least 3 hours of hiking to reach the next village and the sun is setting fast on the equator. So we were forced to leave the relatively safe environment of the gorge and head out for the open terrain. After a few steps we met a local shepherd who was more than surprised to meet tourists without guide up here in the mountains. We asked him about the thunderstorm and after briefly scanning the sky he told us that nothing will happen today. The gods told him. Only slightly relieved we waved goodbye and started to run. You should never run at this high altitude and that's why we ran out of breath after a few meters. Thunder was closer than ever, rain was beginning to pour down and we started to panic. There was nothing around to take shelter. So we started to run again and this time we kept going. Lightning was following thunder was following us. Then we saw a small hut and thought it would be a good idea to take shelter. After some moments we realized it was a very stupid idea and started running again. There are few moments in life that are so intense.

'Todo bien, no pasa nada' - this man told us after consulting the gods.


Everything turned out well. The thunderstorm abated as quickly as it came and we had a very nice descent.


Finally we reached a small village which was totally of the grid.


Priceless smile.


8 hours of hiking totally worth it.


The Cusco region isn't just Machu Picchu. The Andes are gorgeous here in every direction and the coolest places are those that are hardly ever visited. If you want to see more posts about hiking the Cusco region. Just follow me :-)


What an adventure you had! All your photographs are beautiful, but I especially like the ones in the village. You really captured life there! 8 hours were totally worth it! ^_^

amazing adventure / well done / truly interesting & inspiring / happy people off grid
thank you a lot ;)

Amazing pictures, did you toke them with a phone or a professional camera?

Took them with a Sony Rx-100. Compact but great :-)

Yes, Cusco is not only about Machu Picchu, there's the whole Andean mountain range around it to be explored.

Beautiful pictures, I miss Cusco now!

Lol!- "Todo bien, no pasa nada' - this man told us after consulting the gods." I really thought he was going to be right. I guess it makes for a better story this way though :)

Wow beautiful pictures thanks or sharing. Cute kids!

Great trip, thanks for sharing

wow such a place .....

nice photos, upvoted

If you will find a moment please check my posts about Warsaw, the capital of Poland. I am sure you will like them!
All the best@mcsvi WOW, great photos! Some of them could easily be my desktop background :)

what beautiful pictures! people only talk about MAchu Picchu when its come to Peru. Thanks for sharing this beautiful place. so much green and lush.

Great post dude! Got here from another article where you were mentioned as one of the best travel bloggers on Steemit. It seems to be true. Followed you :)