Need a Ho for All These Spuds

in #travel7 years ago

Be right back, moving to Seattle.

Washington in general is definitely among my favorite states thus far. Between the endless shades of green that blanket the scenery to the snowcapped mountains playing hide and seek among the clouds, our first president would not be ashamed of such a tribute. My first stop in the Evergreen State was Cape Disappointment State Park. As I hiked along the very earth that supported Lewis and Clark all those years ago, I couldn't help but gape open-mouthed at the site of the Columbia River Gorge shaking hands with the Pacific. 'Twas a sight for sore eyes.

As I reached Seattle a few days later, I instantly fell in love with the city surrounded by water. Thanks to my friend, Caitlin, I enjoyed visiting the must-sees as well as indulging in another round of Pacific sushi. As most people know, Pike Place Market is one of Seattle's main attractions. I am not most people. I sought out the market at the request of my mother who wanted me to see the men throwing fish. Apparently this is a thing.

With a quick Uber, I landed in the heart of the market, first stopping to smell some old books in a new and used bookshop. Some people stop to smell the roses - I stop for dusty pages. Upon request, I waited until the men dressed in plastic overalls began hollering and tossing what was probably once a fish but now looked more like a giant chewed-up oyster. Hate to disappoint, but these guys only throw one poor sea dweller for the enjoyment of tourists like myself.

After soaking up the rest of the bustling market, I sought out a cup of clam chowder. Because who goes to Pike's Market without eating something salty fresh? At first glance, the bowl looked pretty large and filling. At second glance, the bowl looked pretty empty. I wiped the last bit of chowder from my lips, threw in some saltines to soak up any remaining morsels, and simply looked up from my lunch spot on the outskirts of the market. And then I saw it. A tattoo shop. I knew I was jiving to get a little needle and ink action again, but I was waiting for the right moment. I thought, "Now is as good as time as any." In less than an hour, I was walking away with my little tribute to Orion's belt, an ellipses - because I like to write, right? -, and the musical, Mama Mia. Listen, a lot goes on in my head, so a couple dots can mean a lot!

Later that day, I met up with working girl, Caitlin, and found myself immersed in the legendary Cherry Blossoms. Between old books and flowers, superb seafood, and men throwing things around for the hell of it - I can be a thing;) - Seattle may have a new resident one of these days.

But alas, 27 states were whispering sweet nothings in my ear, so I pushed on. A night back in Oregon surrounded me in over a foot of snow after driving through the breathtaking Cascade Mountains. From East Oregon, I finally dipped down into Idaho to enjoy Easter in the Potato state. I will say the state has more than spuds. Drenched by the waterfall's mist caused by relentless winds, I gazed upon Shoshone Falls, otherwise known as Niagara of the West. In fact, Shoshone Falls is actually over 40 feet taller than Canada's mega shower. U.S.A! U.S.A!
Anyway, I am now holding on for dear life (perhaps an exaggeration) as this unabated wind shakes Honey to her very core. My candles are flickering. Eyore's water bowl is beginning to look like the tsunami lake outside. And the temperature is rapidly dropping into the 20s. I am prepared to meet the elements with two foot warmers, a heating pack which I plan to tie around my waste, and perchance some of my snowboarding gear. It's all just part of the vanventure.
^^ Ran along the highway so that I could caption this: No life is now complete
^^Literally being blown away by the Idaho wind


Some Search and Rescue (SaR) Dogs are trained to sniff out humans 1/4 mile away or more.

I would love to know how your rig is set up, or if you've already written about it, point me to the appropriate post. I'm working my way through your older ones.

The older posts show before and after pictures/videos that will give you an idea of my setup!Hi! Be sure to check out my blog at