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RE: Take a trip through the Kruger National Park (Featuring @naomi-louise as author)

in #travel8 years ago

@naomi-louise - while I'm not a hunter, some of the men in my extended family do hunt - and we eat well because of it! I don't understand the mentality of hunting for sport alone.

It's kind of funny that you have to put a little disclaimer about running water and wild animals running loose. When I tell people that I'm originally from New York, they automatically assume it's New York City. NO! Where I lived there are more cows than cabs. LOL But man! You have running water? That means you probably have eelektrisity too. Sounds almost civilized (joking). :oP


LOL! Yes @merej99, I've seen and heard it so many times that the disclaimer is warranted. People still think South Africa is just bush and animals. We are actually quite civilised. Electricity and all :-)

I actually looked up New York not too long ago. Definitely on my bucket list of places I still want to visit. Not just the city - the state.