Miracle of our Lady Santa Maria shed a tear 101 times, Akita, Japan
(Akita Seitai Hoshikai Convent, Catholic Church)
The wooden Santa Maria had shed a tear 101 times at Akita Seitai Hoshikai Cathoilc Convent
from 4th Jan., 1975 to 15th Sept., 1981, and given several messages asking our prayer for Pop, Bishops
and Priests, our Repentance, and our Rosary for Priests and Churches.
(1) Our Lady Santa Maria of Akita shed a tear 101 times
(2) Road to Akita Seitai Hoshikai Convent Catholic Church
(3) Akita Seitai Hoshikai Convent Catholic Church
(4) Maria Garden of Akita Catholic Church, Seitai Hoshikai Convent