Take Your Kids to See the Milky Way: Short Story

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Take Your Kids to See the Milky Way

Angel Point, Grand Canyon (Image Credit: Dave Lane Astrophotography)

When I was 12, my parents took me to the Grand Canyon

I remember not knowing much about it at the time, vaguely asking a few questions and rambling the words "who would want to see a big hole in the ground..?" ...Eek! Let's just call that pure pre-teen arrogance. Driving all through the day in the desert finally right before night fall my Father says, "We're here!"

The very moment I stepped out of the car I could feel the intense sensation of something so much greater than me. The sky was rich and vibrant with color - I gazed upon the horizon and in one swift swoop my breath was taken away.. I could not believe the sight before me and immediately looked over to my parents to say "okay, I totally get it - I'm sorry!"

grand-canyon-np-37-hopi-point-sunset.jpeg (Grand Canyon during sunset (Image Credit: Unknown)

My Father being an avid astronomer, we were there for an annual Star Party. I had been to few local meet ups with my Father back home but nothing like what I was about to experience. We checked into our hotel, dressed warm and headed back up to the canyon. It was pitch black and when I say pitch black I mean at times I could not see my hand in front of my face! Anyone could easily walk off the edge of the canyon! Remaining cautious, the thought terrified me but added to the thrilling experience. Red light gently glowing off star maps and dozens of unique telescopes. The only thing that differentiated the canyon from the sky were the billions of stars swirling around right before my very eyes.

Star gazers gather at Grand Canyon (Image Credit: Unknown)

As a young girl who had only experienced a few stars in the night sky my whole life, it awakened my soul in a way nothing had done before. It was the moment I realized how insignificant all the little dramas of the world were. It was the moment I fell in love with existing and being part of something so astronomical. I felt over the moon and vowed in that very moment to my young self to make it a tradition and also take my kids there someday.

Star Visibility: Light Pollution

That life changing feeling never left - only grew and became more sentimental and significant over time. If you live in the city with higher light pollution, I urge you to take a memorable trip to the dark side - opps I mean the dark sky! :) lol You'll inspire a new generation of astro nerds, astronomers, astrophotographers, and scientist!

If all goes well I am hoping to FINALLY make it back for the 2018 Summer Star Party!

Are you a astronomer or astrophotographer?
Check out: Telescope Adapters


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