South of Russia, the shocking truth ....

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Let's start with idea to go to Sochi…  

Beginning of the summer season 2014, just finished men's training the SPARTA (, in the head a lot of business ideas, thoughts about life, family and friends. The flash memory forgotten memories of past years.  

- We need to change something! Just need! What changed?

An unexpected call from a friend at the institute: «Hi, how are you? I came to Chelyabinsk for a few days, we can meet to talk».

"People come in my way is not in vain" – I wondered.

- Yes, let's meet.

Following the meeting, I was intrigued by her essay about Sochi.

My first thought is: "What is multinational resort town of Sochi?"

I have to see it with my own eyes!

I twice had planned a trip to the sea for the summer season, but it did not succeed.

The end of September, and the thoughts are not realized in action. In another presentation of the project the SPARTA, Dima Shalev suggested to go to the Crimea for a Vladimir Ivanovich Vuksty seminar. The name of seminar the Healing Impulse (Goltis

- I'm sure this is not just the fate threw me this information, God loves a trinity, I need to go!

And so began my trip from the October 12, 2014 

I'm sitting on the plane with the Spartans (Huy Andrew), hope of a successful takeoff and landing. Fly through Moscow with a connection 8 hours. About flights and landing is nothing special to tell, will miss these moments    

We landed in Simferopol. Old airport, small, little red and etc.   

Taxi drivers everywhere imposing its services ...   

The path led from Yalta to holiday village Simeiz in the holiday house the Ligo Sea.     

Words cannot describe the types of mountains that accompany all the way, serpentine sharp turns on the coast are breathtaking, and the sea calms the soul. The temperature of 24 degrees, the sun gently warms. I have not noticed how turned in Yalta. 

City of welcoming persons with helpful people ... 

Probably it is not necessary to describe in detail every action, it is more a brief outline then detailed story.   

So, for me the Crimea it is a peninsula with a rich historical heritage. Need at least 20 days to see all the main cultural monuments, palaces with parks, mountains, caves, the extraordinary blue sea. Enjoy the narrow streets, small houses, green views. To wonder tasty fruit which growing in every yard, try seafood.    

Try the honey which the bees collect mainly from the fields of sage and lavender. Meet the sunrise bathing in the sea and the sunset on the beach. Visit the tasting room Crimean wines plant. And be sure to try their herbal tea gathering.   

I had a feeling of ease, and seemed elated, these places of grace. As if the soul is filled with the energy of this place.

One day flashed the thought to change their place of residence, until we abandon this idea... Now the way forward to Krasnodar.

It is very interesting quest for name «The Way from Simeiza to Krasnodar for 1000 rubles». Believe it is a very real! On shuttles, buses, ferries for 12 hours. I traveled path distance of almost 600 km and Krasnodar hello! 

The city made a neutral impression. It is typical hectic town with a population of 800 thousand people but with a favorable climate. Historically, especially there is nothing to stand out. It looks modern. A huge plus of Krasnodar is a good pavement on highways and in the city, but the streets are narrow and congested. In a traffic jam, you can stand up to 6 hours. Vain people, mainly with sullen faces. But it gets better with a glass of local wine :) 

I was with relatives 3 days beginning with the 20th day. So on the night of 23 to 24 continued trip on to Sochi, in an area the name of Adler.   

Upon arrival jaw dropped to the floor just at the sight of the train station.   

And it's just the beginning ... 

At my disposal 6 full days Survey of Greater Sochi. Full speed ahead ...!     

During this time, I walked on foot Adler completely. Each street is surprising.  

Struck me the combination of old traditions and new technologies. This ultra modern city with a good heart and a sensitive heart.  

In one day you can combine swimming in the sea with downhill skiing, visit a mountain village and an ultra modern city. In this corner of the world everyone will find relaxation on the interest and the size of the purse.  

I feel heart, my feelings need to be detailed in thought.   

I'll start with the most powerful experience for me - it is a beautiful view of the mountains from a height of 2320 meters above sea level. Raises and lowers to a height «The Rose Peak». This cableway of ski resort Rosa Khutor (Krasnaya Polyana). Raising takes place in 4 stages, Rose Valley 560m - 1170m Rosa Plateau, Rosa Plateau - 1350m Pergola, Pergola - 1600m Rose, Rose - Rose Peak 2320m. 

Climb to the top takes about 30-40 minutes, right in the clouds! I stood in the cloud, seen earth below and the next layer of clouds above. Emotions overwhelmed me, I wish everyone to experience this feeling.  

At the top is a cafe with a not very democratic prices and in addition in small portions. But with huge windows and of course the fabulous views in these windows.  

Probably should start with as I got to Krasnaya Polyana, a little talk about it ...  

From the train station to Adler walk train The Swallow. Modern, comfortable, quiet, fast and not expensive. In my eyes, it has a top speed of 115 km / h, while the inside of the train is almost complete silence and swaying almost non-existent. It felt like going 15 km / h. Smooth stop, barely perceptible starting. Soft comfortable armchair. 

Arriving at the station get on the waterfront Rosa Khutor. On both sides there are hotels, shops, cafes with different restaurants.  

Walk through this place is perfect.    

Going down from the highest point, I got on the bus to another ski resort The Mountain Carousel, located 10 minutes away. Funicular lifts direct to the City of Hills for free :)   

Once in Gorky Gorod I do not understand where I was, a feeling that the funicular has moved me in ski resort in the Alps. I was fascinated by European architecture, unusual home game night lights.   

Only address plaques on the houses give a clear and filled with pride for their country, it's beautiful places in Russia.  

Olympic Park is a separate issue, I think if I start telling that nothing really will not tell! Things to see with their own eyes. 

Next to it is located amusement park The Sochi Park, I recommend a visit to lovers of thrills this place special. New fabulous park fascinates and evokes deep feelings of amusement. For the first time in my life I felt a momentary acceleration at speeds of up to 75 km / h, and of the fall, too. For me, the fall is not new, I jump rope 2 times from a height of 33 and 54 meters. I'll tell you - it's cool, as much breath has filched in the craw. I was unable to get to the most powerful attraction - The Violet Hill for technical reasons is not work.  

I rode in the yellow roller coaster The Dragon three times. They are called by the simple roller coaster. There was a sense fell out of the chair, the head around. The vestibular apparatus comes after about 5 minutes of arrival. I got as they say to the free and rolled as much as 3 times. Sitting in the tail, the beginning and the middle, I'll tell you that the cool place in the front row! I checked! 

Necessarily to highlight the day to the sun and the sea. The water is warm, tender sea and the sun burning, although the temperature did not rise above 23 degrees. Sunbathing on the principle "supercompensation result" - even dark tan in one day, without creams and calamine lotion.  

Also visited an exhibition of cars, the arboretum, the park Riviera, the observation platform at the height of the bird's flight and Sochi Maritime Terminal.

All this is very exciting and interesting. Even more interesting is that the border with Abkhazia, a few kilometers from the Adler. I think you know what will be discussed further ...     

Hello sunny edge of persimmons and mandarin oranges, majestic mountains and natural parks, golden sandy beaches and turquoise sea.    

Edge rocky gorges, fairytale mountain rivers and lakes.  

Place of spiritual unity with nature.  

In my memory will remain Athos monastery. It is home to only 11 monks and men. I can not find words to describe their state when you are inside the temple! We all know about the grace, but what she is hardly anyone will answer, there maybe I felt it was her! 

After the temple I visited a cave not far from the monastery, the second largest in the world! Now I understand where the filmmakers who shoot fiction are inspired. It is unrealistic to cool place, created by nature. Stalactites and stalagmites grow together ...   

Strange empty space. 

Huge crystal formation in the form of fountains. 

Strange growths resemble wonderful hair 

In the cave mystical spirit reigns and is combined with the mystical origins of the cave.  

After such a place tasting Abkhazian wines is a must.   

Starts with white wine, liqueurs, cognac and chacha at the end of. I for myself have highlighted Chegem red wine and red semisweet wine Apsny from all the beverages. 

In one day, I managed to examine 2/5 of part of Abkhazia. I became acquainted with the traditions, customs and mores. Tried local fruits, praised the national cuisine and wine.  

Note, for Abkhazians to cheat tourists is the norm, beware!   

In general, the trip made a positive impression with these places that fascinate view. I think I will come back ...    

And so was the last day, and I still have not got acquainted with the traditions of the Caucasian peoples. I decided to visit the tour called "33 waterfalls" with a Caucasian feast at the end of the program. According to the description it is nothing special, it became interesting look to feast with traditional dances.  

So that's what I saw as a fan of outdoor activities      

I drove along the mountain aul in the back of the car GAZ-66 off-road through the mouth of the river to the waterfall. Even on such roads will pass only the Urals, UAZ and Niva. The cool fresh mountain air inhaled the entire breast, the sun was warm and a little smile on the face blurred.    

Tried homemade cheeses, wines, brandy liqueurs, chacha and honey. As I liked the Adyghe smoked cheese with only smokehouse, it is very delicate, fragrant, melting in the mouth. Even I will not compare with the cheese factory. And certainly need to eat hot! The taste is completely different.    

Despite the name of the waterfall there was only one. He was coming down through the 33 steps.    

The water is clean, clear around 10 degrees.  

I could not resist swimming in a place like this.    

After a swim you feel ease in the body, and the desire to once again plunge into the water. But everything is good in moderation!  

That woke up the appetite, it is time to dine in the best traditions of the Caucasus.  

Although I do not welcome the meat, but to be there and not test to special dish (hominy, pickles, meat, vegetables, herbs, cheese) and homemade wine is a crime.   

The meal lasted for half an hour.   

National dances involuntarily forced to clap my hands with delight, beautiful meaningful toasts fueled the fire in the heart, and a competition for the best performance at all lezginka it is something unreal. Time has flown by. But in the memory of this moment will be long.   

Back at the Adler I dedicated evening to communion with the sea, with a nostalgic goodbye with the city of Sochi.   

So, I am watching the stars and the moon sitting on the beach. The moon sank below the horizon changing color from white to crimson red, and the time of color change from 22 to 23 hours. At the beginning of the twelfth the moon disappeared over the horizon !!! I could not believe my eyes, starry sky without the moon! So I said goodbye to Sochi!    

Going on a fast train to Asha, where waiting for me favorite. Every now and again I scroll to the memory points, my heart is open and I remember my thoughts and feelings, I write down everything on paper.      


Immense my homeland is rich in historical sites, fabulous sceneries are worth a visit! The history of our country is in our genes, when you get to the native place of the soul it is awakens genetic memory.  

At such moments, you begin to appreciate the history of Russia.   

At the end of life we will regret for two things: that little loved and little traveled.   

Think about these words!    

The beginning of the my quest  12.10. 2014 end  01.11.2014    

p.s. all in your hands...   

                                                                             Thank you for attention!!!