Oh Kiligirl, I almost started to cry when I read your response. As I posted to you I thought this is like having a pen pal. When you responded in kind, I knew exactly what you meant. Regenerating slowly, sleep helps tremendously.
Still have friends in Houston so we are on a weather watch. Never could we have imagined how devastating this hurricane would be.
You gave me the nicest compliment of my life by saying how human I am. Thank you! It is both a gift and a curse as my heart is tender, yet vulnerable. No wonder Pa never lets me get too far out of his site!
As for you... I love how you take on the world with your energy defying the roadblocks that pop up unexpectedly. Strength , persistence, and courage emminate from your posts. So sometimes when I need a little extra kick, I head over to your place for a can do attitude! You also have a quiet old soul, that keeps you firmly planted to the earth. Thank you for being my friend.
You are much loved by Ellie Mae. 🐓🐓