Hello everyone,
This mounth I'm traveling trough Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Morrocco all by train with an Interrail Global Pass.
My trip began 2 days ago and began very well with a train strike but that doesn't interest us until a bit later... I was supposed to get to Milano(Italy) the first day

but guess what, my first train was down and I was stuck in it for 2 hours waiting for it to move with the same "beautiful" view and a drunk guy sitting next to me telling me I had beautiful eyes every 5 minuts :p He was funny tough.

Finally got where I wanted to be at 10h30 instead of 8h30 and had to take a train to Aachen. THAT is where the strike enters the game 8)

There was no train to Aachen because of it and I had to take the bus. I got at the train station at 12h instead of 10h50, which made me miss 2 more trains Q_Q

At this point I couldn't get to Milan before midnight so I had to change my plans, and joined my step-family in Freiburg, Switzerland. I could get to there at 21h, sounds great. But my next train got late. Wich made me miss the next one... I waited one hour for the next one (spoiler alert : he was also late, I definitely recommend german train) and I would have missed the next train but that's a detail because anyway I stepped off of the train 1 stop too early, and had to wait another 1 hour :D

I finally got to Freiburg at 23h, I spent one more day there and I got to Milano today.

After this I definitely found out that you can't rely on trains to be in time. But in the end I don't care because I had a great time and never felt more free to move :D
See you soon
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be which instead of wich.You deserve your name :(
Heyyyy !!!! TROP CONTENTE que tu aies recommencé à bloguer :D Et contente de pouvoir découvrir ton voyage de la sorte !!!