Why should you visit Pakistan? Part 2

in #travel8 years ago

Although I call the UK my home, I still visit Pakistan regularly.  Although various governments still issue travel warnings, in my opinion most areas are very safe (especially after Operation Zarb-e-Azb in 2014) as long as you exercise common sense.  With that note, let's continue to the beauty!

The northern areas of Pakistan are blessed with natural beauty and there are some mesmerizing valleys with breathtakingly beautiful views. Visiting these spectacular places makes your experience an unforgettable one. Here are some of the heavenly valleys that are worth visiting:

Neelum Valley

Neelum valley also known as the “Blue Jem Valley of Pakistan” lies in Azad Kashmir. This valley casts its astounding effect all year round with snowy winters, orange autumns, lush-green springs and chilly summers. It comprises of lavish green mountains, clear water streams, forests and a river – the Neelum River. There are waterfalls with milky-white waters falling down and splashing against big and small rocks and then mingling with the River Neelum. This valley does not have proper tourism facilities but the serenity of this place, separating you from the rest of the noisy world, is what makes you go back to this valley again.  

Hunza Valley

At a distance of 100 kilometers from Gilgit lies a paradise-like place enveloped in the Karakoram and Himalayan Mountain ranges.  I'm sure Himalaya will ring a bell of recognition. The sensory impact of this region is going to mesmerize you every time you visit it - this is the Hunza Valley. This valley is enriched with plants loaded with pink, orange and white flowers everywhere. Throughout the changing seasons, the valley remains extremely alluring and marvelous. In between these beautiful mountains, away from the hustle and bustle of life, you will find real peace.  I've never seen another place on earth similar to this area.

Skardu Valley

10 kilometer wide by 40 kilometer long, Skardu Valley lies at the convergence of two rivers the Indus and the Shigar. It is the central valley of the Gilgit-Baltistan province of Pakistan and is an embodiment of serenity and beauty. Paths to K2, K3, Broad peak and Gasherbrum - some of the world’s highest peaks, are connected through Skardu Valley. It is crowded with mountaineers, trekkers and tourists throughout the world from April to October. The rest of the year, freezing winter and snow everywhere attracts only winter and snowfall lovers. Kachura Lake and Satpara Lake are also located near Skardu Valley and these lakes on a full moon night look stunning.


Swat Valley

It is the Swat Valley that has been given the name “The Switzerland of the East” by late Queen Elizabeth II. It consists of many scenic sites including magical waterfalls amidst the gigantic mountains, cool clear lakes and green meadows. Swat valley attracts many tourists all year round and whosoever visits this valley is spellbound by its breathtaking beauty.

(Swat valley image by ijaz18 via flickr)

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of the natural beauty of Pakistan and were able to see the country in a new light.


Mr Ron


How in the F*CK is this post worth $1200 steemit?

These pictures are ripped off of multiple sources. This whole post is basically just regurgitated from elsewhere.
Don't reward people that are grabbing content off of other sites and translating it in order to bleed our community.

Wow... Like trying to sell ice to the Inuit, I was already sold by the idea, but now, I'm thrilled at going out there. Your photography is very inspiring and magnificent as well! Thank you for a great post, you sure get my upvote!

Maybe you'd also like my travelog that has mostly been about the Canadian Rockies so far, check it out:



Namaste :)

Gorgeous pictures and beautiful scenery, look lovely

Yes thank you, some look like from your imagination

I agree some look like fantasy there gorgeous

Wow!! I never knew how beautiful Pakistan is!!! It is defiantly somewhere i would love to explore now that i have gotten a taste of what it can offer. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this.

thanks for sharing. mainstream media never show this side of pakistan

please give credit to photos. you are setting a bad example about copyright issues.

I have checked these photos to be public domain. But thank you for your suggestion. I didn't know I could use copyright images and just give credit. That would be even easier!

It's hard to determine whether or not a photo is public​ domain or not, especially for the average user. I always suggest to users that they put the source where they find the photo. It's great to have photos here that aren't found anywhere else, but that's an unrealistic goal for a site like this.

Some are of the opinion if it isn't labeled with usage rights then it should be considered copyrighted, and then there is the other side that believes if it isn't stated then it's "Public Domain."

In my opinion, it is a gray area that users are going to need to be tolerant on. Personally, when I'm browsing, as long as the source is cited and it isn't tagged #photography then I give it a pass.

It takes too much work to determine if a photo that appears on hundreds of sites is copyrighted or not.

It took me a while to decide to flag this article, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Because there are a number of users here including me that encourage original content we expect that when a user posts something that it is theirs.

I don't always cite the source of my photos, but they are either my own or from pixabay.com. It's probably something I should consider doing, even if the source is myself. But I also don't expect one of my posts to go this viral either. :)

I do hope that you consider citing the sources of your photographs in the future.

no. you need permission from the original author and then they will tell you to post or give credit.

i am telling you for your own good. Professional photographers will chase and sue u.

I take a lot of care to determine my images are public domain, of course I can make mistakes and if so, please show me proof they are copyrighted and I will fix immediately. Also, if someone can give me methods to check more thoroughly then please help. Thank you.

However I see a lot of blatant copyright ripoffs on the site with no repercussions so it makes me wonder why I am getting so much attention other than I am associated with Pakistan. Btw thebluepanda, if you received the right to use Steve Carell in your post here you didn't state it.

because i can't reply to your comment below: Steve Carell already made a lot of money from his tv shows. and gif are commonly used for free :)
and it's not because u r from Pakistan. One of my close friend is from that country and i love the food. He is a photographer. I dare u : ask him to post his photos that you find all over internet.

Wow if the pictures are even real it is AMAZING

Beautiful pictures and post. Thank you!

Beautiful pic..
Nice @mrron.

It is funny how they all fearmonger in the media, but every country has it's peaceful places where the landscape is beautiful.

Мне тоже нравятся такие путешествия.

These are all wonderful shots. You could really feel the emotion coming from the photos. Amazing contrasts and colors. My favorite has got to be the first photo under Skardu Valley. It's like a photo lifted from a dream. Great work!

So that's why Osama bin Laden loved Pakistan..

People are always attracted by negative things. From few of the negative things there are always many of positive things to think are available.

With pics this good, who needs to go there? Thanks for saving me the trip. And nuts to the people shitting on your use of the photos. I don't care where they came from... But then again, I'm an anarchist so why would I?

This post has been linked to from another place on Steem.

About linkback_bot

All of his story fiction
If you look at the previous post, again all photos are taken from the Internet
Just think, the man was in Pakistan and does not have any photos? ha ha
Now each of us can take a photo from the Internet of any country, to come up with the story and earn $ 1000
Great idea

I think this is fake
Why are all of your photos from the Internet?
Here - http://www.pakistantoursguide.pk/index.php/about-pakistan/azad-kashmir/neelum-valley/
Here - https://mushtaqtravel.wordpress.com/2014/02/26/book-holidays-to-pakistan/
The rest of the photos can also be found
If you were there, why you do not have your photo?
Even one

I downvoted your comment. Here's why: I downvoted the OP based on your claims that got passed to me by the cheetah people, but now I regret it. I've looked into this and none of these images appear to be encumbered by any copyrights as far as I can determine. This looks like a witch hunt to me and I don't like it.

Until now I have followed the recommendations of the cheetah people, but that may not last long if I find that I change my votes for no reason.

This person did not claim to have taken these pictures. They are giving travel information about Pakistan and the writing is original from what I can tell. There is no reason to remove a vote for public domain images and I won't do it in the future. From now on, I place the burden of proving any posting misconduct squarely on the steem police. I will downvote any dubious claims of misconduct with full force to avoid a witch hunt mentality.

You understood me wrong
I asked why if the person was in Pakistan, it does not have any photos?
Now, each of us will take a photo from the Internet and make a not real story
In this post, I see that the man was not in Pakistan
He took a photo on the internet and came up with a story

Hi mrron, I am informing you that I am downvoting this post because you have failed to respond (14 hours as I type this) to @stalker452009's comment. I personally believe that image credit is an important part of blogging as it will give credit to the ones who helped you, in this case a photographer.

You as a poster are going to make money using your time plus a third parties time (or product). In my opinion that is fine as long as you give credit to that third party. Because that gets the third party exposure as a photographer (or whatever he / she creates) plus you lead people into using the services that the third party offers. The way this post is now constructed the original image creator has 0 chance of being discovered as the original creator.

I have checked to see make sure the images are public domain. If they are private, I would give credit. I cannot respond to everyone who says you are stealing because your image "is on the internet" especially by someone who's angry his drawings aren't getting votes.

hello @mrron u need to make sure the photos are free copyrights, even from public domains. look at this. this is the result of google search for the photo posted here "Hunza"

I am not here to defend @stalker452009 but I don't think personal attacks add value to the discussion. Other than that, it is good to hear that you actually do check the images for public domain rights as @thebluepanda pointed out.

I only wish that the author has shown even one of his photo
Now we see that he was not in Pakistan
He took a photo on the internet and came up with a story