I have a big orchards, six years ago, when I had the first child, I purchased many fruit trees from Taobao,spent about $150 to buy a wide variety of fruit trees (peaches tree, plum, apricot, chestnut, jujube tree, loquat tree, walnut, apple, tangerine, persimmon tree), I want to have fresh fruit all year round,Such children in the city are willing to return to the countryside
我有一个很大的果园,6年前我小孩出生的时候,从淘宝网上购买了许多水果树,当时花了大约1000元,买各种各样的水果树 (桃树,李,杏,板栗,枣树,枇杷树, 核桃,苹果,蜜桔,柿子树),有的是山西买的,大部分是来自安微的一个果园, 因为不清楚哪种树在我们老家能够成活,所以买了很多, 希望一年四季都能有不同水果, 这样小孩在城市就愿意回到乡村
Walnut tree is very difficult to survive, and also the most expensive time to buy,Six years of time, has not grown a fruit
还有蜜枣树,同样是只开花,不结果。 其它的树每年都有收获

Persimmon is not mature, because it is still raw / 柿子还没有成熟,因为它还是生的

which is actually only eggs / 树上发现了一个鸟窝,这其实是只鸡蛋


Not ripe yet, waste/ 还没有熟,就要去摘了,浪费

Now you want eat oranges, you have to have good teeth, because it is very acid, But the child was very fond
现在还没有到柿子成熟的时候,想吃这些桔子,你都必须有一口好牙,小家伙采了一大匡,真是浪费了,小孩吃一个都觉得好吃, 我吃一片牙都快酸掉了。
robinhood chatHello myfirst, we would like to inform you that you have been chosen as a featured author by the @robinhoodwhale initiave. We are currently in alpha testing, if you would like more info join on steemit.chat or pm @repholder.
Perfect - Keep on Steeming!
I want to know alpha testing What to do, I will contact you by steemit.chat
Thank you
Love seeing these parts of the world that I never normally get to see, thanks so much for sharing. Looks like a beautiful life.
I hear it is a good idea to water down citrus fruits, for the sake of young childrens teeth. Makes sense.
哗,好羡慕哦,有这么多果树!孩子们一定玩得很尽兴, 呵呵。从家里到乡村路程远么?
市里回到老家需要开车40分钟, 果园很近, 农村的地全荒了,我在几年前就考虑到这个问题,所以把地里全种了果树, 现在树越长越大, 树之间种得很密,都想砍掉一些, 桔子树太多,去年摘了上千斤
小孩在乡村, 真拍的好 , 沒話說
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