As people make more money, often they think that now is the time to enjoy themselves more. Leisure becomes more important in their lives.
As their psychological horizons expand beyond just earning an income, they also want to find out more than about the world. So they want to travel. One problem, however, is that they don't really know where they want to go or what they want to do when they get there. So they blindly go somewhere, just because they think it is fashionable to do so. Often they take some packages tour that offers them "10 countries in 7 days. "
That way, they collect a lot of stamps in their passports and a lot of predictable photographs, but they don't have much. time fun or relaxation, and they don't really know very much about where they've been. A much better approach would be to decide where they really want to go, and why, and then plan far enough in advance in order to accomplish those goals. That way the vacation is both more enjoyable and more affordable.
The ideal vacation for me is to make a trip alone. I think vacations should be a chance to reflect on myself and think about what I am doing and what I should do with my life. Only traveling alone makes this possible.
I can calmy reflect on my life, take my time doing what I really enjoy, and charge my batteries back up.
Ng.nosebleed ko et... Hahaha
Hahaha trapohi sa et