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RE: The Zagreb Cathedral

in #travel3 years ago

So you're going to post 1 picture at a time with a bit of rehashed Wikipedia fact? Awesome quality Josh, but then again, all you've ever been here is a parasite.

Keep downvoting me, I have a face that gives no fucks ....for someone who endlessly bangs on about 'freedom', you've soon become pissed off when others exercise their free will!

What a Muppet.


Was that an attempted argument? Because unless you have pebbles in your brain, nothing you said makes sense.
I brought the vast majority over initially to Steemit and then later to Hive. If helping to grow the platform enormously is being a parasite, I'll take that as a compliment.

My girlfriend posted photos she took on the other side of the world while traveling and wrote about it. Then you came over here and acted like a moron. You send people to downvote her. I go look at your trash posts and downvote you in return. That isn't me not supporting people exercising their free will. That's me exercising MY free will. Moron.
I'd love to see you say this bullshit to my face by the way. Please come on down to Mexico.