
Incredible nature, looks so absolutely untouched. Wow

It is truly so beautiful and the untouched feeling there really is so rare! Thanks @steemboys

Oregon is absolutely on my must Visit list and is high in priority! My goal would be to home, camp, and explore the beauty all around. Thanks for bringing back that excitement to visit there!

it certainly is a varied and stunningly beautiful place from east to west, north to south! I will post more of my Oregon adventures since it's the season for travel and we take lots of day excursions. Where are you located?

I am in Iowa and have always thought if I ever relocated, Oregon would be the place to go! Hoping to get out there maybe next summer if things settle down here. I would love to see more of your perspective as a resident and add places on my list to visit!


thanks @skrzypietz for your support, glad you enjoyed it!

Wonderfull place and colours.
To fall in love with

thanks @rapdenny, really is an amazing place...

Cool stuff, beautiful pics and enjoy your 4th of July!

I write about crypto, personal life, sports and life on my profile. Will soon start blogging about food, travel and my adventures in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. You might be interested, love <3

As you know, us NY'ers get excited over a piece of grass -- never mind such awe-inspiring examples of the beauty of nature. HAPPY 4th!

hahaha! yes the nature in NY has to really put up with a lot to do the people, but we all love NY anyway.

I loved it!

so glad to hear it @colovhis!

Beautiful scenic views. Yes, we are truly lucky to be here in this great country. We sometimes forget what we have. It's good to take time out and appreciate our country's beauty and what our country represents to us.

Beautiful photos and video @natureofbeing. Very peaceful place.

Happy 4th of July from north of the border. 😊

thanks so much @freeinthought! Just north of the border, you live in glorious country as well!

Thanks @natureofbeing. We have our fair share of problems but still manage to be content. Ever since I was a kid, I've always loved the USA as well. Must be because we are so close and share alot of common culture and values. Cheers!

What an expansive and beautiful location to connect with. I can see why you would fall in love with an area like that. Rob's photography is consummate, your post elicits a genuine smile. Cheers on your day of independence @natureofbeing.

what a wonderful comment @bloomview, you have a real talent for your responses! Many thanks and I'll pass along your compliment to Rob. Cheers to you too!

so beautiful pict,very good for re-steem 😘

many thanks for the resteem and for supporting my post! you have some good posts yourself :-)

Awesome! Happy 4th, also the day that Steemit first paid out :-)

I had no idea that Mt. St Helen's was in the US, wow, geography is not my strong point!

I can see why you love it so much; absolutely beautiful, and I love that Indian Paintbrush as well, super cool :-)


I didn't join until early Aug last year, I didn't know the 4th was the first day steemit paid out, happy anniversary! Yes all the huge Mts in the US are here in the western part of the country and north in Alaska. I grew up in flat lands and nearby the beach which I loved, but now I'm completely in love with rivers, mountains and trees. You live a long way away, so it's understandable that you wouldn't know about this one mountain. Anyway, thanks so much for reading and commenting!

You're welcome!

Aha, it seems you've been around forever :-)

Yeah, I had heard the name Mt St. Helens, and I thought it was somewhere tropical, like Fiji or something, weird.

It's funny, I used to scoff at Americans without a passport, however now I realise that there is almost every type of climate and terrain in the country. Therefore you can really know a lot, just by travelling around the States.


You're right the country is so large and varied in people and land! But I agree....everyone needs to go to other countries, it opens the mind which I think is a necessity for everyone and particularly Americans.

have you been to the US?
oh my, I have to go to sleep, I can't believe i'm up here commenting on steemit at 3am...yikes, good night!

Haha, uh-oh, get to sleep! Catch this comment when you wake up! :-)

Yes I have been, but only to New York, where I have family.

I reckon I could spend 10 years exploring America (at least!) I want to do Yellowstone, and the swamps of Florida, and now the mountains of Portland :-)

Nighty night x


:-), got a little sleep. New York is so fun and so much of everything and also unlike anywhere else in the US, your list is great and I'd like to add the central California coast, and the desert like Death Valley, Joshua Tree and/or the Alvore Desert in Oregon, as well as what's called the four corners area which is where Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico meet - this area is truly other-worldly. I have Swiss friends who came here for 3 months, rented a car and drove around the country. They had a great time and it was a life-changing experience, that's a good way to do it. Anyway if you come here, let me know and I'll give you some tips, contacts and anything else I can help with and hopefully meet as well!

If you have a minute please check my new story about Multimedia Fountain Park in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. I'm sure you will like it!
All the best :)@natureofbeing incredible photos! especially the one with a river, 10/10 :)

Thanks @radzioha, glad you liked! I'll take a look since I've seen so few pictures of Poland.

Thank you! Waiting for your future posts :)

Stunning landscapes. I've only hiked in the Rockies in the West US but really want to check out Oregon and Washington!

hi @benjyhg, Rockies are so incredible, I love the incredible rivers and Mts of Colorado. welcome to steemit @benjyhg!

Wow beautiful imagery and sentiments! As an East Coaster myself I'm always blown away by the incredible beauty out west. Just got back from an amazing trip to the Rockies and didn't want to leave. Your pottery looks super cool too!

thanks @dougkarr! I'm an east coaster as well and love it there as well and the Rockies are stunning....frankly there is so much beauty far and wide here! glad to meet you, I took a look at your blog and look forward to more!

Hi brother
I voted for you
You are flattered
Vote for my post
thanks bro ♥

Very nice post! Thanks for sharing!

what a beautifull !!

thanks @anejosua, I agree...I was struck

Nice valley and nice storyy too

If you want travel to indonesian, You have to visit this place, this place is so wonderful klik here you will not regret 😊😊
Thank youHi, @natureofbeing

WOW ! Great shots.
Oregon is so beautiful. There are so many hikes and adventures there ;)

thanks @acromott, sure is lovely! just went to another spot yesterday and will post on that soon too.