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RE: Havey's Australia & New Zealand Adventure Part 2 - Shrine of Remembrance & Royal Botanical Gardens, Melbourne

in #travel6 years ago


Yes the weather certainly improved as the day went on and it warmed up to like 23 C so was lovely in the sun, I had to take my hoody off as I was walking around, much to the pleasure of the Melbourne locals for seeing such a fine specimen amongst them 😂

The Shrine of Remembrance really was a powerful place, especially when heading down to the crypt. Some of the artistry and words used really got to me and halted me in my tracks. You really can't imagine some of the horrors from the front line.

Alan is an absolute legend, plain and simple and had more energy than me by the time I got to the top! I'm not the greatest with selfies but think that turned out alright in the end! There were a few people queueing up to get their pictures. Not for thr view mind, because they know how awesome I am 😂

Haha I don't know what else I could've shared about it when the pictures tell a thousand words 😛 :foxyemoji: what else do you want to know about it? awaits the "bugging" 😁


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A fine specimen indeed! I don't think there are many pale people over there with all that sun they have :D

It's not something I want to imagine, it is too much for someone to endure, and no one should have gone through any of that. War is a very ugly thing and so destructive before, during and after. It's horrible and that is a light word in comparison :(

Go Alan! Elderly people can be amazing! Don't worry about your selfies, you look great! Just admit it, you prefer people looking at you rather than the skyline. ;p :D

I'm guessing the botanical garden is way different from what I seen. The ones I have seen in Montreal and a few other places had these statuettes made of plants. It showed animals, people, so many things all built with wood and flowers.

Grabbed that from google images. I used to have a few pics but I think I lost them when I moved. Just check out Montreal botanical garden google images. There's quite a few showing.